@sunny wrote:
A stupid prat of a husband Why the f00k im still married to the f00king c00nt il never no
Only gone and burnt one of me best tops doing the ironing ffs :evil:
Duno how many times iv told the thick f00ker it dont need irioning if you take it out the washer and hang it staright up ](*,)
Thats nearly as bad as Dave seeing a washing basket of clean washing in the kitchen thinking it was dirty and washing it again. I wouldnt mind but when I did it, and dried it I folded it all ready to take upstairs. He washed and dried it (without folding)…. you know the rest = extra flaming ironing. :twisted: I told me mate at work and she said her old man took a basket of dirty washing out the kitchen and put it on the line! She dashed out there (she is a mrs houseproud) and grabbed it all in muttering on about what the neighbours would say if they saw it! :lol: