Kenty its getting worse.Your not the onley one she is doing to.She does it to some of the other woman as well.The lies she is saying about folk is incredible.She is doing it on loop over and over again.What she is doing is advertising herself, because she’s looking for a bloke.She thinks by putting other women down and begging herself up she’s making herself look good.She isn’t she’s making herself look ridicules .Shes getting booted, but comes back in doing the same thing over and over.Shes actually got a problem with other wimen and her so called friends and she chooses them because they don’t know how to do anything but lol at her are as bad.Among them are people complaining of having heart attack and strokes, yet wind themselves up, tring to wind others up.Im really worried that someone could harm themselves.Your left feeling that you have no option but take the abuse.