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  • #124350

    Having a banter on facebook the way people used to banter here :D


    Eyebrows….don’t ask :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Eyebrows….don’t ask :lol:



    @james54 wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    Eyebrows….don’t ask :lol:


    You had to, didn’t you? I’m sure you can use your imagination :wink: :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @james54 wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    Eyebrows….don’t ask :lol:


    You had to, didn’t you? I’m sure you can use your imagination :wink: :lol:

    you want me to imagine eyebrows?


    @james54 wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    @james54 wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    Eyebrows….don’t ask :lol:


    You had to, didn’t you? I’m sure you can use your imagination :wink: :lol:

    you want me to imagine eyebrows?

    Whatever turns you on…. :- :lol:


    An ” advisor ” asking me if i was over 25, it was a few months back but i thought about it today. :D :D :D


    @gazlan wrote:

    An ” advisor ” asking me if i was over 25, it was a few months back but i thought about it today. :D :D :D

    It probably wasn’t because she thought you looked younger than you do for your age but because you act so childish :lol:


    Being told I’m iggied (like it’s some sort of punishment fgs :lol: ) then being asked somthing :lol:

    Why do people feel the need to tell someone they are iggied? If your iggying someone does it matter if they know or not or if they talk about you or not…….you’ve iggied them so it doesn’t matter …doh :lol:


    Laughing so much at someone who just wont lets things drop … and then accuses me of being paranoid ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: oh , and so full of c onstipation…and thats putting it nicely :wink:

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