@*GG* wrote:
@rainbowbrite wrote:
Anyway you have returned for far too long.. push off! :wink:
lmao Yes I agree I need to pish off again for another year, however the past few days I’ve been on a bit of a rocky road in the real world hence I’ve slightly more free time on my hands and hence the reason why I’m back to my old haunt to pish folks like you off… :twisted:
But that’ll all pass come the new year and I’ll be gone again for another year, you’ll be sorry to hear. :twisted: :lol:
Aww come here you great big softie lump o fluff…come n have a big ol sloppy kiss….
Stay… it’s actually been refreshing to have you back.
P.s.. if you do go before i say goodbye…err… goodbye and don’t be a stranger ok? :wink: have a good year!