@ugo wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@American Woman wrote:
So I knew my little man couldn’t get far in the house this morning, he is only almost 10 months old. But I was looking everywhere for him. I started to panic when I heard a little noise coming from the shower. There he was, he crawled into the shower and managed to close the curtain behind him. Damn, he’s a genius. :lol:
10 mths already, crikey thats gone bloody quick!! :shock: scary innit!!
sorry American Woman but when i read Little Man I immediately thought you had fastcars staying over :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey now Ugo, don’t pull me into your War with Fastcars. [-X I don’t know anybody here so I assume stay friendly with everyone. And to those who of course don’t like me, I say “Feck ‘Em” :wink: :twisted:
And to keep the thread going as it should – I smiled today because I’ve lost another 2 lbs. Whoo Hooo :D/ :D/