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  • #120750

    Congratulations Beatty..let’s hope life’s starting to look up for you now..the world has lots to offer you know..and you live in a particularly beautiful part of it. Sometimes it’s just soooo good to be alive :D Lots of luck to you Beatty :D


    Thanks Es’!!! :D things are really looking good for me 8)

    that’s why I’m so worried of what bad is going to happen next :(

    #120752’s a natural human condition to believe that if it feels too good to be probably will be..and in Britain we have a saying ‘If you see a light at the end of the’s probably a train heading towards you’..pessimism is a hard thing to shake off! But you know..none of us know what the future holds..because it doesn’t exist yet There is only today. So enjoy the bounties of the moment..and as for’s another whole new unwritten page for us all..a promise of better things..a fresh adventure!! In the final analysis..this is what keeps humanity going..and remember that only through suffering can we comprehend joy.

    Enjoy the NOW Beatty :D


    :lol: true…

    I belive that there’s exactly the same amount of highs and lows in life. I try to keep thinking that last year was so bad that no matter how many good things happen this year it still won’t over go it. 8)

    now I should decide what to do on my birth day :? last year I didn’t really do anything… :(


    Birthdays are very special things Beatty. The sun is making its solar return to the point of your make sure you celebrate in style. When IS your birthday Beatty?


    My little un telling me I was beautiful! 8)

    (An appointment at the optician’s has been made for her!)


    I got to sleep late for the first time in weeks!!!

    and I spent the first night ever in my new “hellhole” :lol: ..realized that I have to buy a new bed…this one is killing me :x I also need to drag the rest (that means all) of my stuff there next week. I don’t even have a telly or a computer there!!! :shock:


    A phone call to Beeker – he always makes me smile 8)



    @geoff wrote:

    The same JC numpty that tried to register on GC yesterday as ‘Magoo’, just tried again as ‘I hear you’re a pervert’! I tell yer… does it get any better? :lol: Someone really does have an unhealthy interest in me!

    Be grateful, at least someone is interested in you. :cry: :cry:


    chaos med me smile……………. :lol:

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