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    @mystery_girl wrote:

    a 2 faced cow not yet realisin she has no friends left because she manipulates them 2 often is never there 4 em but expects them 2 b there 4 her waht a bi tch shake hands with h8 her

    and that made you smile?



    knowing I’m f/cking off away from this place (ie. home not jc lol) and the hell hole called work, for 2 weeks.


    Ooo lucky u, only 8 days until my hols :D can’t wait, although im not really organised yet :?


    I met a guy on here some months ago. We struck up a freindship and we got really close. he worked in dubai. He went to singapore in march with his work for around 10 days. Whilst he woz in singapore he was taken ill and they discovered he had an irregular heartbeat with no apparent reason.

    the upshot of it was that his company eventually flew him back to the UK for private mediacl treatment. Now u have to know that this guy moved heaven and earth to contact me no matter where he was in the world even bribing a guy in an internet cafe in amsterdam whilst he woz on a stopover there on his way home to stay open for just 2minutes so that he could get in touch with me.

    He arrived in the north east on Sunday 14th May and telphoned me on Monday 15th May. He then text me in the evening of Tuesday 16th May saying he felt extremely unwell and was going to bed early.

    That was the last i heard from him, i had already rang or emailed the hospital in newcastle to see if anyof them had him as a patient to no avail, i either didnt get a reply or i drew a blank.

    Prior to him coming over here i had asked this guy to give a trusted friend my details in case anything went wrong so his friend could contact me and let me know.

    In the meantime i discovered my email addy was not receiving mail last week so i set up a new one whilst that addy woz fixed.

    this morning i opened my emails and there woz mail from a man i had never spokent ot but the subject wos the guy i had wanted news from/of

    I sat there looking at the inbox for some minutes but eventually opened it nto knowing wot to expect………it seems that my friend is seriously ill and wasnt responding to treatment the last this guy knew but at least he was still alive.

    It made me smile as J (my friend) had taken on board wot i had said and even tho ill he hadnt let me down.

    I wanted to share this with u all to say there are still some very caring genuine people out there and in the chat circuit……I pray now the next news will be better about J.

    I have made steps for J’s freind to contact his family and see if i can go up and see him and i am glad i never waivered from believing one day i would get some news of him .

    I just hope and pray that it will be better news but in the meantime i know what J would say to me and that is ‘keep smiling’ so thats just what i intend to do ………He has been my rock over the last few months and i am going to return that faith and support ……..

    hugssssssssss xxxxx


    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    how cool is that


    Wow Cath, thats definitely a true friend you have there. I sincerely hope he gets over this illness x


    lol… smile laff mair like…. the wee barra wakin his daddy up, with a few jumps to the heid and a crackin blow to the ging-gang-goolies lol served the dirtty sod rite… as when I put the the TV on…. u guys r daft btw…. the channel it pop onto was Playboy…. lol ur suppose to rem n change the channel GUYS…. Mr Wolfie ya dirtttyyyy ole perv ur caught oot lol ya canny put 1 over MJ lol


    update on J. heard from his friend in Dubai again today, J’s sister rang j’s freind and was apparently a little evasive and he doesnt have her contact details..I have rang all the hospitals in newcastle and washington tyne and wear including private ones and drawn a blank.

    i have suggested to J’s friend he contacts J’s secretary as she must have his details on file and the english quarter in dubai are quite a close knit community so hopefull we will obtain some information that way.

    I am smiling today because at least i feel closer now to J through his friend and i at least we have an ally in each other …….

    for J x as u always tell me i’m smiling…..hard but smilin and hopin for you x x x x

    hugssssssssss xxxx and thanks to all who have offered support especially one kind user who lives in the area who has offered help, someone i have never particularly spoken to before….u lot are just stars!!!!!!!!!


    @Magoo wrote:

    Cath… do you know this J? Met him?

    This doesn’t half sound like a familiar story regurgitated.

    now now Magoo… im gripped…. awaitin the outcome…


    hi magoo , i mentioned this subject on the why are we here on the boards a little while ago..although it hadnt got to this then……I first spoke to J last august, we have since been communicating through this medium ever since and both bought cams so we coudl see each other……head and shoulders i hasten to had…….not that kind of girl lol

    anyway this correspondence has been ongoin ever since…we have spoken on the telephone , emailed, msn etc

    this could sound a familiar story as there are probably lots of liaisons on here where people go dissapear.

    J is a real person and i had a real friendship with him, and confirmation of this very real friendship has come inthe form of his friend from Dubai contacting me. I know J’s mums lname but given the fact that she is probably getting on and is ex directory i dont think apart from beggin the operator to get a message to her what else to do.

    J’s friend is going to see what he can find out in dubai in the english quarter of the city so i await his news.

    ruby thanks for the information i have rung st oswalds……nothin doin i’m afraid drew another blank…..but every bit helps xxxx

    magoo no i havent yet met J…….but i will , i will be celebrating his 60th birthday with him in October……..i just have to believe that……i am not declaring undying love for this man, that would be silly, but he has been one of the best and most caring friend over these months i have ever had, and you would be surprised how a relationship and real feelings can grow even by this form of communication. Magoo i am not some flighty bimbo or a teenager i am a well adjusted human being who always lives life in the real world, and you know what i intend to keep on living it my way.

    thanks again for all those who are supporting me in my quest to find J and be by his side ……. and i hope to have better news soon

    hugssssssssss all xxxxxxx

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