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  • #120210

    Playing in the pool with my little one…the weather is soo nice :D but my shoulders are burnt :roll:


    Lucky you ^ :(


    oi u thought u were gettin soZZled with Mr P….???

    i’ll have a P plz Bob lol….


    Lol we getting mished, we in same room, he watching the box an me watching JC :lol:


    lucky you ^ :lol: whatcha sipping on? Little early for me…but I do believe I’ll have one to..all that sun makes me thirsty :lol:


    wooooooooo Hooooooooo u 2 then…. well im lcoked up in me box…. rollin as we speak, wee barra finally settled…!!! fallin alseep in car didnae help lol my mam watch Princ’es trust shoutin bits thru… and im actually eerrrr Kate… wait for this spellin mistake..!!! Contentplating…??? that rite or close..??? a Magners lol…. i can taste the Irishness now lol


    Wooot Mary im watching that, oh and Lauren sticks her tongue out and blows rassberrys at ya :lol:

    Im on da voddyyyyyyyyyyyyy :lol:


    mmmmmmmmmm irish

    o and mmmmmmmmmmmm wine lol :lol:


    Lauren aint too OLD for a kick up the ar5e tell her lol…!!! cheeky mare..!!

    ive finished me coffee…. and now even thinkin…. firk it…. a sat nite and IM BORED…. im normally workin…. HOW DARE THAT MAN NOT HAVE ME ON 2NITE…!!! ive got an EUROVISION karaoke disc…!!! and i cud of sang…. * im just a JACK in the box….. dum dee dum dinny know the rest of words… lol here I cud infact go out for drinks… pre celebrate my birthday…. call it WET RUN… lol SHOULD I STAY…. OR SHOULD I GOOOO OOOT…. lol


    LMAO, git yourself oot Mary

    BTW she is still doing it you know :lol:

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