What made me smile today was pulling up on the edge of the red light
district to roll a ciiggy and having a ‘lady of the night’ leap into my car.
It cost me £10 to get rid of her, and I had to fight her off from giving me
a BJ because she felt guilty for taking money for nothing! :lol:
my mommy bein here with me
a wicked time last night at the civic wk ending
me new friend :D
havin ALLLLLLLLLLL of plutys family over for a BBQ to celebrate our engagement and for them to meet my mom :D
What made me smile today was pulling up on the edge of the red light
district to roll a ciiggy and having a ‘lady of the night’ leap into my car.
It cost me £10 to get rid of her, and I had to fight her off from giving me
a BJ because she felt guilty for taking money for nothing! :lol: