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  • #117960

    My brother taking my three year old to the mall..bless him. She had to “poo- poo” and he didnt know which bathroom to take her in. Ended up standing outside the girls bathroom and letting her go by herself…She tried to use the toilet for the disabled (its up higher) and when she slid off, apparently she didnt clean herself very well.He called me raising hell because she had smeared sh it up her back. I died laughing picturing him trying to clean sh it off her back with paper towels in the mens bathroom. He called me at work saying “sh it was everywhere..I’ll never have kids of my own” :lol:


    I bout peed in my pants when he was telling me…funny because my brother is 21 and freaks at the thought of having to change a diaper or wipe some kids @ss. He said he was gagging trying to clean her and with other men walking in the john, staring at him like he was freak :lol:


    PMLLLLLLLLL :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Feel sorry for your wee one though… :?


    My wonderful (almost!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D ) man being sneaky and replacing my front tyres….for free… :wink:

    Ohhh the joy of (almost!!) having a partner who works as a mechanic for renault! 8)


    a box of choccies from a girl sent just for me at work

    being teased about it all day, but i know they are only jelous, cause they never got any :)



    They`ll only make you fat anyhow Souls, better off giving them away!
    Or is the damage already done? :lol:


    @*GG* wrote:

    They`ll only make you fat anyhow Souls, better off giving them away!
    Or is the damage already done? :lol:

    pass them to me soulie


    damage is already done, i ate them all… though squash tommorow to work it all off


    @soulie wrote:

    damage is already done, i ate them all… though squash tommorow to work it all off



    yes.. lots of it.. but don’t ever drink it after brushing your teeth

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