goin to ikkle criannes parents evening at the school an bein told she is a ikkle star, and a pleasure to teach an the teacher wishes all the kids in her class had the same enthusiasm for learning as crianne has
:D :D :D :D
how sweet! I miss those days …the call i got yesterday from school…your son missed one or more blocks today…found out the little sh!t walked in the front door when i dropped him off and then out the back door and walked back home to bed (we live next door to the school) and no one saw him leave..I could kill him :lol: sneaky little brat
frickin kids eh, wot we spossed to do wiv rm when they pull stunts like that
I know! His excuse- He didnt want to go to Biology so he walked home and then went back to school when his biology class was over. These teenage years are gonna be the death of me! My mom says its payback for all the sh!t I put her through :lol:
aint it been a bit like late spring early summer up ere today squishy girl?
tis lovely :D
It has…although the news keep on about how its going to be a freezing winter now….wish they would give it a bleedin’ rest and enjoy the moment :roll: :)
aint it been a bit like late spring early summer up ere today squishy girl?
tis lovely :D
It has…although the news keep on about how its going to be a freezing winter now….wish they would give it a bleedin’ rest and enjoy the moment :roll: :)
aye ffs as winter is ere for long enough without them goin on bout how bad is gonna b, let us enjoy the mild weather while we got it i say