Boards Index Fun and humour Tests, quizzes and games What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #124840

    “perfect people” :lol:


    shop owners who think they know more about local laws than those who are actually employed to deal with the breaches of the law…………… god damned, anyone would think this is a GAZ dictorship…………..


    @andymcnabb wrote:

    shop owners who think they know more about local laws than those who are actually employed to deal with the breaches of the law…………… god damned, anyone would think this is a GAZ dictorship…………..

    Busking in itself is not illegal although some local authorities have passed byelaws prohibiting busking. If you want to busk it is worth contacting your local authority to see if any byelaws have been passed with regards to busking. Children under 14 years may not busk.

    Pardon me for having the temerity to know a little about life beyond my shop and Facebook, glad to have made you smile


    shop owners who think they know the law and how society sees them…. Scum is scum… you are what you are……….. candles and potions, not with sold……… of course.



    good news… of 11am today daughter-in-law-to-be having contractions 5 mins apart lasting about 30 seconds

    wahooooooo :D/

    im gonna be a nanna T…….sooooooooonnnnnnnn


    Gilf??? :P


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    Gilf??? :P



    Making a difference :)


    the news that………at 11.39pm wed 27th july I became a nanna :D ……she weighed 7lb 9oz………at present, name undecided



    @tinks wrote:

    the news that………at 11.39pm wed 27th july I became a nanna :D ……she weighed 7lb 9oz………at present, name undecided


    oh my goodness … how lovely!! :)

    congratulations xx

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