Does he actually have a TV though? Or watch live streaming via internet or phone? TV Licencing have been harassing us Mrs T for over 5 years now when we do not have a TV at the business. Nor do I watch live streaming via phone or internet.
For the last 2 years at least we have been threatened with fines and court action. Over all these years imagine how much money the company waste sending out letters. Passing informtion on to other “relevant” authorities. Sure there are people who don’t buy the licence and should but I bet a very high percentage of these people don’t even get harassed or caught :lol:
The last but one letter we had we sent it back unopened and in marker pen put “PLEASE FUCK OFF!!!” on the front. Our business is in a village so it gets collected then sent to the main sorting office. Was quite funny because our postie came in a few days later saying they had a phone call from the sorting office asking who we were, and did they know that we put swear words on the front of the letter. She said yes! They have been harassed for years.
The last letter I still have here. I have been debating to send it back asking them what part of fuck off don’t they understand. :lol: