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29 June, 2005 at 6:39 pm #70629 June, 2005 at 6:48 pm #114309
Unnatural rainbow-ish color
A little confused are we? Maybe not, it’s very likely that you are simply into change and experimenting, and what better way than dying your hair crazy colors? :-D Have fun with life m’dear, don’t let anyone convince you to be normal or less unique. You’re fab the way you are!
29 June, 2005 at 10:27 pm #114310Brunette
You are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
30 June, 2005 at 12:17 am #114311What is your inner-hair color?
My Results:
Unnatural rainbow-ish color
A little confused are we? Maybe not, it’s very likely that you are simply into change and experimenting, and what better way than dying your hair crazy colors? :-D Have fun with life m’dear, don’t let anyone convince you to be normal or less unique. You’re fab the way you are!
30 June, 2005 at 9:09 am #114312Grey :shock:
You are the parental figure. Mature and wise, your hair doesn’t have to be grey, but to reflect your personality it should :shock:
30 June, 2005 at 9:49 am #114313Brunette
You are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
1 July, 2005 at 1:05 am #114314What is your inner-hair color?
BrunetteYou are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
Good thing cause I aint changing what nature gave me :) :) :)
2 July, 2005 at 11:18 am #114315What is your inner-hair color?
My Results:
You are the parental figure. Mature and wise, your hair doesn’t have to be grey, but to reflect your personality it should. :-P
13 July, 2005 at 3:03 pm #114316What is your inner-hair color?
Red HeadYou are wild and insane! You are the total red-head. Naturally insane you excite people and make their blood flow. Be careful though.. life isn’t all about fun and games, but still, keep it real and be yourself!!!
hmmmmmmmmmm :?
13 July, 2005 at 8:48 pm #114317Log-In | New Account
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BrunetteYou are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
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You are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
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You are intelligent and beautful. You are Nature! Down to earth and caring, you are good at giving advice.
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