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  • #266825


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    It means i was born in Great Britain. Thats how i know i am British. It says so on my passport.

    Now you see thats where I would differ Rainy. I dont, have a passport, because I dont, go abroad, but if I did, or if I have to fill out forms asking my nationality I always put English as a matter of principal and so does my Dad. He refuses to put British. He say,s ..” I was born in England, my parents are English, I speak English, therefore, I,m English”.



    @bat wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    It means i was born in Great Britain. Thats how i know i am British. It says so on my passport.

    Now you see thats where I would differ Rainy. I dont, have a passport, because I dont, go abroad, but if I did, or if I have to fill out forms asking my nationality I always put English as a matter of principal and so does my Dad. He refuses to put British. He say,s ..” I was born in England, my parents are English, I speak English, therefore, I,m English”.

    You leave me Rainnywainnybumpybumpyfrumilins oo oo alone, if she wants to say she is British then she can lol.

    Although i put English/British :lol: :lol:


    Oss calm down dear its only a commercial and Bat has only just failed to see the hidden mirth within my sentence. I couldn’t give a rats bottom hole about who we are.

    Im just having a jest, i call myself English but, *shrugs*, lets face it we are all British.

    I think the whole debate is laughable and people should deal with it. Ja, we are all British whether you like it or not…. be you Welsh, English, Scottish or from Northern Ireland. In the end….you are British. Cut the la la im not British crap…. get on with it!


    British = living in one of the great countries either England, Ireland, Scotland or even Wales (at a stretch), and embrasing their way of life.

    I always put Scottish on my passport, cos Britain aint a country. There is no hatred in that. Im thankful my parents had me tbh!!!!!!

    We can all take the pi/ss and take it on the chin THATS BRITISH. :twisted: :wink:



    Right i know i started this subject, and i know i put lame things like cottage pie etc etc.

    The truth is being British, english scottish, welsh or Irish.

    In truth, it is what you are in your heart.

    I am English through and through.

    But if i had to be grouped with a load of people then i would never be prouder to say I am British. Because We stand tall in any crowd, in any country. And why do we. Because we were brought up to respect ourselves. Our Monarchy stands tall in this fragile world, Presidents and priministers come and go, but the monarchy “THE QUEEN” will always rule our hearts.


    The flag still flies high and with it our hearts.


    I am British and Great Britain is my country.


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