I can hardly hear feck all in my left ear and everything sounds like I’m underwater. Sod’s law that it had to happen when I start back at work.
Sod’s law part 2: The phone in the office where I work sometimes doesn’t ring for weeks but today, when I can barely hear, everybody decides they want to talk to me!
And someone messed up when they were refilling the vending machine. I put my money in and instinctively keyed in the number for Irn Bru – it’s been the same since we got the thing – only to discover a can of feckin diet waiting for me at the bottom. I’ve been telling this story to anyone who doesn’t want to hear it and not one of them has been sympathetic to my trauma (telling them that it ruined my day probably didn’t help)
Other than the fact that I got soaked walking to work this morning and Saturday, it’s been a good week.