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  • #279654

    @bat wrote:

    Bloody miseries on Halloween. ffs my other half took my youngest trick or treating tonight, and some ignorant git, opend the door, saw him, said “oh” and shut the door and walked off. ffs, he,s only 9 and he had his dad with him. Some people are so fucking miserable. He lives over the road from me so tonight I,m gonna let his tyres down, bastard. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Yeah sure you will :roll: :^o

    Try giving the kid some pocket money, then he wont have to go begging and pestering other folks for it :wink: :lol:


    @*Sian wrote:

    Decree Absolute :twisted:

    On Halloween … how spooky!


    @catz wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    Decree Absolute :twisted:

    On Halloween … how spooky![/quoNot mine, I’ve got mine… Years ago, My partner can’t find his :x


    @*Sian wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    Decree Absolute :twisted:

    On Halloween … how spooky![/quoNot mine, I’ve got mine… Years ago, My partner can’t find his :x

    lmao…. does he know the fee for a search has gone up last month from a fiver to £40?

    If he has the number (that you can give him if you really want to :wink: ) its still only a fiver.

    That number is up to you as to whether you wish to share…………………………. or not lol

    Then again if he is on bene’s he will get it for free :twisted: everybody on bene’s get everything for free.


    I am left to everything for this wedding as he WORKS in london :twisted:
    We won’t get it in time for us go to the office were you put your notices in :twisted: Why can’t bigamy be legal! Then they’d never ask for the fooking thing! :twisted:


    @*Sian wrote:

    I am left to everything for this wedding as he WORKS in london :twisted:
    We won’t get it in time for us go to the office were you put your notices in :twisted: Why can’t bigamy be legal! Then they’d never ask for the fooking thing! :twisted:

    Which court was it done in? I MAY be able to help. Not promising but where was it? I thought you meant your Ex wants his but you mean your new man needs it?


    Yeah my fella needs his so we can do our notices for the wedding! He can’t remember when he got married or divorced :shock: :lol: I need to go down to the court on monday when he asks his ex when he got divorced :lol: I knew this wouldn’t be easy… :cry:


    If you pm me his name, her name I will do a search tomorrow at the registry for you. All I will need is a rough 10 year period as to when the DA was done.

    I will pm you my email cos Im going to bed now xx


    @*Sian wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    Decree Absolute :twisted:

    On Halloween … how spooky![/quoNot mine, I’ve got mine… Years ago, My partner can’t find his :x

    hmmm is that what hes telling you :lol:



    Fooking useless hospital staff :twisted: If you can’t be bothered to deal with enquiries from the public, don’t feckin go into a public sector fooking job.

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