FFS WHY can,t men follow simple instructions? I,ve got these new nets right? The ones you put over your windows so when you have them open in the summer, it keeps the creepy crawlies out. Now ALL the gonk has to do is cut the things to size and stick them round the window with the velcro supplied? Easy yes?? Nooooooooo of course it isn,t. He,s done nothing but moan and sodding whinge about it. “If I cut it it,ll get all frayed” he says. No it won,t!! It,ll be stuck to the soddin velcro!! Why can,t they just do one simple bloody task? It,s easier to do it yourself in the end isn,t it? I don,t ask him to do much, you can understand why now can,t you? FFS. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: