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  • #327687

    F00k me pete how oftern do you dye ya barnet mate lol


    LOL… been there loads a times Sunny, Dave goes mental when I go dark again as the whole of the bathroom changes colour.

    I put vas around my forehead and on me ears and also give them a good wipe over once the dye is on my hair, yeh.. I know thats all BEFORE the event so doesnt help much.

    Tis funny though :)

    Before I learnt all that I tried nail varnish remover too, never worked. I think I just washed my hair in the bath the next day and scrubbed and scrubbed, and applied fake tan to even it out.


    Carnt imagin you dark our shazza like ya blonde you got any pics

    But il keep rubbing it wit baby wipes for now always got them in the house great emergacy make up removers lol


    @sunny wrote:

    F00k me pete how oftern do you dye ya barnet mate lol

    this week i are mainly been a blonde


    with lil hilights. and the start of a black eye as my friend had just kicked me in the eye before it was done. She was breakdancing on the floor and I was on the settee and as she did a spin I leant forward and copped her full winter boot fat heal right in the eye. god it hurt but we didnt half laugh.


    me the only one drinkin straight from the can. :lol:


    Shaz, aint being funny or owt, your a pretty lass, but you look much younger Blonde


    glad u said that cos after looking at that pic again I was debating going brown again lol

    even if I did I would only be blond again in 4 months so there’s no point really


    Please dont think I was being offensive, I always speak before I think, or in this instance type before I think :roll:

    You look much younger Blonde chick, stay Blonde


    Shaz ya way better blonde brings ya eyes out more and as dawny said makes ya look younger

    Pity ya arm holding the can is up there tho ya hiding ya puppies lol :wink:

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