Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › what ever happened to, innocent till proven guilty.?
20 June, 2006 at 10:50 pm #226317
If you nick ’em while they’re buying playing cards, you can do them for handling explosives. Just a little tip I’ve picked up there. :D
20 June, 2006 at 10:52 pm #226318@tommy-toxen wrote:
..the police could frame an innocent person just to keep the public happy
Oh yes of course. Do you suppose they just pop down to Asda or Tesco and select somebody at random from the nearest queue? Maybe somebody buying rolling tobacco as they are bound to be a criminal.
Don’t worry about evidence – we’ll just nick some from the evidence room and say that it belongs to this case. Oh and we’d better sort out thge CPS as well. Don’t want all those dozens of case officers and lawyers looking too hard at this stuff.
Actually Tommy you’ve given me an idea to save loads of money. All the Police have to do is to arrest any old person and simply tell them ”it’s your turn mate” and fit them up for the next crime to be reported. No need to investigate any more crimes – just fit up someone.
20 June, 2006 at 10:57 pm #226319If you nick ’em while they’re buying playing cards, you can do them for handling explosives. Just a little tip I’ve picked up there. :D
21 June, 2006 at 9:22 am #226320@Lambrini Girl wrote:
Whilst I completely sympathise with your friend Jenny, let’s not forget that paedophilia and rape are very serious crimes, and need to be investigated thoroughly. In an ideal world, the competence of the defending barrister should not come into it, because the CPS would have done its job properly and gathered enough evidence to insure a guilty verdict. However, this is not a perfect world, and innocent people will inevitably at times get caught in the net (which is partly why I am so opposed to the death penalty by the way, but that’s another thread).
Maybe your friend could sue privately … Defamation of character? If he has been cleared of all charges, surely there has to be some avenues left opened to him by which he can reclaim his good name? I hope someone more knowledgeable than me in the matters of law can help you Jenny.
oh i totally understand what you saying.
and yes, we did commend the Garda for the job that they did.
after all, they did not know my friend from adam, so for all they knew, he could have done something to the girls.The Garda are in the process of bringing together a case against the girls for wasting police time and making a false clame.
we did not know this up until last week.
at the moment we are annoyed at the media.
it has been plastered all over the papers for a number of weeks about my friend. every little detail of his life had been taken and twisted for the benefit of the public.
because of this, the public have made up there own mind on weather he is guilty or innocent.
we contacted the 3 newspapers in question this week, and asked them to print an updated story to show that the man was innocent.
only one newspaper put out a story, but it was a tiny little colum, near the end of the paper…maybe 10 lines at the most to say that the man had been found innocent.because the Garda are in the process of making a state claim against the girls, we will have to wait till that case is over before we can make our own civil case.
apparently they can not have two separate cour cases against them at the same time. :roll:this has been going on for the best part of 3 years now, and the Garda are saying that there case could take another year or two to deal with.
my friend is in very bad health at the moment.
we dont think he will be alive or strong enough to face a court case when the time eventually comes around.8 months into the original case it was becoming clear that the accusations against him were untrue.
but it was the media that blew everything up in the air and made it worse for my present there is no law to stop the newspapers from doing this.
even the Garda were getting frustrated because they were forbidden to release details of the case to help my friend.
:( :( :( :(
the law in this country…and other country really needs to be updated to stop this happening to any body again.
21 June, 2006 at 10:31 am #226321Actually there are tha Libel laws that can be used to protect your friend.
If the media have published statements about him that are untrue AND have caused him material damage then he can sue for the Tort of libel.
You need to be very clear that the media have published an actual statement saying that ”he did…..” rather than ”allegedly he did…..”. The former is a statement of actuality or fact whereas the latter is simply an allegation that they are reporting.
Generally the media are really clever at reporting allegations in such a way that on a first or quick reading they appear to be facts but on a more careful reading are simply a report of allegations made by a third party.
If you think he has a case then best advice is to contact a solicitor and discuss it with him/her.
21 June, 2006 at 11:57 am #226322we already checked that :lol: :lol: :lol:
yes, its very misleading when you read it first.
they used the words…alleged.. a lot in all the stories.:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
we don’t have a leg to stand on with them.they did print full pages stories of the girls side of events, but not one interview from my friend.
and they still don’t want to interview him.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
time will tell on all this.
im a true believer in what goes around will come around.
those girls and the media will get what they deserve all in good time.
21 June, 2006 at 5:08 pm #226323Jenny i feel for your friend xx all i can say is he is lucky to have a freind like u on his side ….. taking any sort of case to law is a long drawn out process, and people dont realise the toll it takes on the person waiting for ‘simple justice’
hugssssssssss xxxx
21 June, 2006 at 5:14 pm #226324thanks cath
yea, its not doing much good for his health at the moment.
my self and a few other friends that are looking after him, well we are just mentally drained at the moment.
its a very long process.
but i suppose they have to do what they have to do, to make sure that the job is done right. :wink: :wink:21 June, 2006 at 11:05 pm #226325Jenny, there are two other tacks you can take.
Firstly you can write to the Editor of the papers concerned and invite them to print a correction / retraction of their story. They will undoubtedly refuse to do this as since when did the Media allow the facts to get in the way of a good story??? However, by offering them an opportunity to correct the misleading impression that they have deliberately given, and by them refusing or declining to do so, you may leave yourself an opportunity to take step 2 which is:….
Step 2:…. you can consider another Tort – called Defamation of Character. Whilst they might have used ”allegedly” a lot in the stories (and therefore avoided a libel on your friend), you can take the view that the story ”when considered as a whole” was such that your friend’s character or good name was defamed (or brought into disrepute).
This you will say has caused him loss and damage as his hitherto good name has been ”impugned” and you should seek an amount that they should pay by way of compensatory damages.
OK they will kick & squeal a lot but I bet they will not wish to defend a Court action and will most probably settle with him out of court.
22 June, 2006 at 4:06 pm #226326Its a very sad story.
Fact is there are ppl in the world who will say these things and get away with it because of how majority of society think.
I am guilty for jumping to conclusions myself, and often feel bad afterwards.
However, situations like this need nipping in the bud. I would go straight to the police and tell them. If there is no record of this behaviour from him, as im sure there isnt, then the girls would be taken to task over it.I know with health matters etc, its hard but this sort of behaviour is appauling!
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