Needless to say, our Christmas traditons changed when we opened the shop!
Christmas Eve is busy, busy, busy at the shop, mainly men doing their Christmas shopping at the last minute “because I prefer it that way…are you sure this is all you’ve got left?” :roll: although there are a surprising number of women who do the same. Struggling to close the door at the end of the day – we never manage to close on time, and we’ve had the closed sign up, cashed up AND turned off the lights before now only to open the door to someone begging that his wife will divorce him if he doesn’t get a gift for her/his daughter/his mother in law. Then finally going to the pub to meet friends who also have a shop, collapsing in a corner and having a meal and unwinding together. Then home, put on the Christmas music, have a glass of mulled wine, soak the feet in a foot spa, a bit of self-pampering, then collapse into bed!