Boards Index General discussion Getting serious What do we know about Diana’s death?

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  • #227140

    @rossylass wrote:

    Why is it that so many people talk a load of drivel and bring her affairs up……. If Charles had been any kind of man and married the woman he has supposed to have loved for all the years… the first place then Diana would not have died………………..

    Instead he was a wimp and married a woman chosen for the fact hat she was naive and innocent to give him an heir to the throne…………….

    She is not to blame for the fact that she learnt to play the game and became a master of it to survive living with a royal family that had no feelings or emotions between them……….

    So leave her memory intact and be greatful we have two lovely boys who have inherited their mothers sense of humour and tactileness into the bargain…………….

    Please do not use my name in vain Rossylass

    leave Charlie alone too – he is our future monarch – he can do as he wishes – the woman should have been beheaded long before the car crash anyway

    And as for tactile – I think scheming is a far more apt description

    Long live her Maj


    Aww I wouldnt take your name in vain………….has long has you dont talk a load of bulls**t into the bargain please………….

    Think the Queen is great just think he his an awful man and everyone of us is entitled to our own opinions thats what makes things so interesting and emotive……….. :?


    Oh please what a load of old tosh…………………I am not and never will be a traitor to Queen and country……….But like most well adjusted people in this country we look at things, take on board what we think are the correct facts and then make a decision from that…..

    Just because our thoughts dont match yours does not and will never make us traitors, or in league with terrorists which I find an affront…….

    So now ime on my soapbox please keep those thoughts consigned to were they should be in the dung pile……… :x


    Oh Boy have you got nothing better to do than protest and call people terrorists and traitors……………….

    Do you perceive everyone that doesnt agree with your ideas has being in league with some group or other or against the establishment?

    We are all entitled to have our thoughts about Charles and about Diana……………….
    Diana was a person who was not perfect and never professed to be………….Charles is the same and Ime sure he would be the first one to admit that things could have been handled in a different way…………

    I think he made a choice a long time ago and he hs regretted for a long time until he could try and put it right………………but on the way he was hurt and hurt others…………………..

    We all have things we would rather have done or said………….burt eh thats life…………it certainly doesnt make me a traitor or in league with lucifer……….


    My aunt was personal secretary to barbara cartland for 17 years, around the time that Charles and Diana got engaged.
    I was told some inside goss which i am happy to share with those of you who maybe interested.
    Charles was never in love with Diana. He was instructed to marry her by the Queen as she was the only ” suitable” woman he had not dated (probably cos he was too busy screwing carmella!) and the Queen wanted heirs to the throne…lets face it…hes not up to the job.

    So after years of Diana humiliating the royals, which she did with such panache and style, they decided to bump her off….they didnt fancy arab blood in the royal family, despite the fact they are all german and greek.


    ok ruben ………..way to go to make your mark lol an make people remember you lol

    hugsssssssssss xxxx




    @Mr Amphibian wrote:

    It was all down to bloody foreigners. :lol:

    Yeah… the Royal Family :lol: :lol:


    Off with their heads I say! :lol:


    if she had been wearing a seatbelt she wouldnt have died.

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