So this is the situation. I’m taking a college course this summer. I can take the College Algebra course that I need for a degree OR I can take Bible as Literature course, which I know I’ll pass. I am so completely aweful in mathmatics that I don’t know if I can do well enough to pass it – I always just manage to slide by. I always do pretty good in literature because it captures my interest so well. The thing is, this summer is the only time I can take a course since my husband won’t be able to watch my son during the Fall semester. If I don’t take a class this summer, or I don’t pass a course this summer, I’ll loose all the hours that I’ve built up over the years. Which, trust me, is a hell of a lot, and I’ll have to start from scratch. This is the situation because I haven’t taken a class in 3 years. So, do I play it safe and take the literature course or do I take what I need and pray to God that I pass it? Help? Anyone?