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  • #204988

    food vouchers for mcdonalds.the local indian…… chinese………burger king. what a wonderful thought. my husband would never have to cook for me again. lemme know were they can be obtained sian. :wink: :wink:


    Black pin stripe suit and a white shirt, furry socks (hey its cold) and black boots… just in from work and will be getting changed v shortly :lol:


    My poxy work uniform. Black trousers, dark blue v neck polo shirt, black fleece all with logos on.

    How spiffing. :roll:


    Black trousers and a pink top. NO footwear as i take shoes/boots n socks off as soon as i get in the door. SOCKS are evil !!!! :twisted:


    @dolflip25 wrote:

    Black trousers and a pink top. NO footwear as i take shoes/boots n socks off as soon as i get in the door. SOCKS are evil !!!! :twisted:

    slipper socks are evil :evil: got some given to me for x mas went upstairs to loo, phone rang, was hurrying to get it, slipper socks slipped pml at top step, fell all the way down, in a heap on floor for half and hour twisted ankle, cut finger open, hurt shoulder , grrrrr @ slipper socks and secret santas lol :D


    I avoid wearing socks whenever possible. I don’t like my tootsies being restricted, feel like i am suffocating when i have them on. I also sleep with my feet sticking out from under the blankets too. Yes i AM strange.


    lou at least the secret santa wasn’t me….lol…


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    My poxy work uniform. Black trousers, dark blue v neck polo shirt, black fleece all with logos on.

    How spiffing. :roll:

    PML @ spiffing Rainny!!!



    I try to keep in touch with my posh side now and again. It makes me look un cool. 8)


    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    now i’m wearing LEvis (NOT Levis, but LEvis! F u c k i n g tosser Levis posers p i s s me off!), a black T-shirt, red braces, a black leather jacket and my assault boots (I just got in and it’s bloody FREEZING!!! daren’t take my jacket off yet…!!!!

    Fluffy socks underneath that hard exterior perchance Tom???? 8)

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