@anita Gofradump wrote:
I see Geoff Anscombe is still harassing people, what a sad individual you are boy.
Awwwww leave him alone Anita … he’s clearly got nothing better to do with his time.
He is currently desperately trying to get me into Google by constantly using my full name (Charles Hoseason) and so far I have about 4,400 references. Not bad going eh? I can’t wait for him to hit me up for a commission on any business I get as a result of his efforts.
That’s the thing about publicly available information on the internet isn’t it? …. anybody can access it can’t they???
The one I like the best is: http://www.kingstonchamber.co.uk/pdf/eureka_17.pdf (Check page 5 out) OK I knoww it’s an advertisement but what the hell … why not!!