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  • #1033165


    Oh uh, liberals on this site are at it again, both far right and nearer to the centre, tryingto shout everyone else down, while the three of them hog all these debates. Still quoting made up facts and then attempting to present them as verifiable evidence. According to Rudeboy’s Daily Mail logic, population density is somehow evidence of overcrowding in the UK and because London has a high density population, it means the rest of the UK is overcrowded as well and because the rest of the UK is overcrowded it therefore somehow justifies his anti- immigration rhetoric. Apparently Norfolk (or Suffolk etc) where Rudeboy claims to reside, is not actually a predominantly rural county(ies) after all and overrun with zillions of economic migrants. Rudeboy naively assumes, in that Norfolk zone of his, that if immigration was halted tomorrow, the social ills of the UK will be a thing of the past. That high skilled and well paid jobs will miraculously materialize and that wages will shoot up and everyone will sing “Rule Britannia”, do the “can can” and hold street parties in celebration while holding cheap union flags.

    Then we have Sceptical, far more moderate but another middle class liberal still in a state of total denial about Brexit. Slippery Sceptical will never produce any evidence to support his views but he will reel of an emotive narrative to silence debate, his emotive analogy about “rape” on this very thread, being the latest.

    Thank god for Draculina, who has opinions just like the rest of us, but is happy to change them if the evidence suggests otherwise.




    Long on rhetoric. Short on reality.

    makes it up as he goes along. The pro-EU camp – who are somehow all rich and liberal – are funnelling the refugees into the poor areas. As though the Tory right-wing brexiteers like Boris john and Jacob Rees-Mogg are in Poor Street!

    Then off he goes with snidey insults at everyone else, as though this will deflect attention from the paucity of his logic.

    ahem..Gerry, I am not liberal and I only wish I was in denial about brexit (and Trumps victory, and your existence etc etc etc).



    Like I just said, slippery Sceptical can’t provide any evidence whatsoever to support his views, which are driven by emotion, rather than any verifiable statistical evidence. A NIMBY liberal, to the right of centre. Who conveniently forgets what he has typed previously on this very subject, is not consistant with those views and also conveniently forgets the countless insults he has blasted at 17.4 million Brexit voters and the 75% of labour held constituencies who voted Brexit. Slippery sceptical is not capable of analyzing why people voted Brexit and just doesn’t care anyway. The NIMBY liberal middle class are driven by an irrational sense of self entitlement, not social justice.

    Slippery Sceptical is totally irrelevant though, as is his far right sidekick Rudeboy. What is relevant is the class war currently being waged in the UK amongst the ruling elite and which has intensified since the proletariat class voted Brexit. The current neoliberal economic model, NOT capitalism and driven by corporatism and tax avoidance has not only failed in the UK but also in America etc and the times, they are a changing. They are only changing now because the NIMBY liberal middle class are now being exposed to the same exploitation the working class has endured for the past 40 years.




    *ideological war* by the way.



    I must write all of Gerry’s thoughts down on a piece of paper and put them on the mantelpiece – apologies to Kingsley Amis

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by  sceptical guy.


    Lol. Try writing a post that isn’t insulting, sneery and patronizing to 17.4 million people and so far up your own arse, the sun doesn’t shine. Nimby liberals, ten a penny. An answer for everything and a solution for nothing.

    1 member liked this post.

    Oh uh, liberals on this site are at it again, both far right and nearer to the centre, tryingto shout everyone else down, while the three of them hog all these debates. Still quoting made up facts and then attempting to present them as verifiable evidence. According to Rudeboy’s Daily Mail logic, population density is somehow evidence of overcrowding in the UK and because London has a high density population, it means the rest of the UK is overcrowded as well and because the rest of the UK is overcrowded it therefore somehow justifies his anti- immigration rhetoric. Apparently Norfolk (or Suffolk etc) where Rudeboy claims to reside, is not actually a predominantly rural county(ies) after all and overrun with zillions of economic migrants. Rudeboy naively assumes, in that Norfolk zone of his, that if immigration was halted tomorrow, the social ills of the UK will be a thing of the past. That high skilled and well paid jobs will miraculously materialize and that wages will shoot up and everyone will sing “Rule Britannia”, do the “can can” and hold street parties in celebration while holding cheap union flags. Then we have Sceptical, far more moderate but another middle class liberal still in a state of total denial about Brexit. Slippery Sceptical will never produce any evidence to support his views but he will reel of an emotive narrative to silence debate, his emotive analogy about “rape” on this very thread, being the latest. Thank god for Draculina, who has opinions just like the rest of us, but is happy to change them if the evidence suggests otherwise. :heart:

    The population density figures come from the WHOLE country , what part of that do you not understand you dense bastard? I live in Norfolk and even here we are overrun with migrants sorry to shock you.

    Quite funny you continually make snide remarks about the Daily Mail as a Guardian reader.. a paper so far ensconced up its own arse of political correct smugness it still hasnt located the light switch. In old issues of the “Guardian”  according to David Kynaston’s masterly history, Austerity Britain 1945-1951, the paper opposed the creation of the NHS. This was on the morally repugnant grounds that free healthcare for all would ‘eliminate selective elimination’, leading to an increase in the numbers of congenitally deformed and feckless people. In other words, the Guardian wanted the weak to be left to die.You don’t hear much from Guardian writers today, when they are attacking other papers for embarrassing episodes in their long-distant past, about their own employer’s more recent, disgusting flirtation with Nazi-style eugenics.


    Like I just said, slippery Sceptical can’t provide any evidence whatsoever to support his views, which are driven by emotion, rather than any verifiable statistical evidence. A NIMBY liberal, to the right of centre. Who conveniently forgets what he has typed previously on this very subject, is not consistant with those views and also conveniently forgets the countless insults he has blasted at 17.4 million Brexit voters and the 75% of labour held constituencies who voted Brexit. Slippery sceptical is not capable of analyzing why people voted Brexit and just doesn’t care anyway. The NIMBY liberal middle class are driven by an irrational sense of self entitlement, not social justice. Slippery Sceptical is totally irrelevant though, as is his far right sidekick Rudeboy. What is relevant is the class war currently being waged in the UK amongst the ruling elite and which has intensified since the proletariat class voted Brexit. The current neoliberal economic model, NOT capitalism and driven by corporatism and tax avoidance has not only failed in the UK but also in America etc and the times, they are a changing. They are only changing now because the NIMBY liberal middle class are now being exposed to the same exploitation the working class has endured for the past 40 years. :heart:

    You keep repeating yourself with the same repetitive dogma of substanceless  phrases which have a fancy abbreviated term but ultimately amount to hiding behind rhetoric and a baseless argument which is a doctrine of stupidity you don’t even understand yourself.

    1 member liked this post.

    Lol. Try writing a post that isn’t insulting, sneery and patronizing to 17.4 million people and so far up your own arse, the sun doesn’t shine. Nimby liberals, ten a penny. An answer for everything and a solution for nothing.

    You keep repeating “nimby nimby” so as it means “Not in My back yard” what are you doing personally then to facilitate a fairer society , are you taking in migrants for eg yourself? Are you fck 😅 so stop describing yourself hiding behind ” neo liberal ” “daily mail” phrases all day and add some substance to what you write instead of these tired overused cliches of bollocks. I’d say the main reason people voted Bexit was ironically down to people like you playing the racist , misogyny , right wing nazi cards .. people are sick to death of it .



    The population density figures come from the WHOLE country , what part of that do you not understand you dense bastard? I live in Norfolk and even here we are overrun with migrants sorry to shock you.

    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year, nope not an economic migrant issue there at all, just the imaginary one in your head and just lazy little self entitled pampered brats like you, who don’t want get their hands dirty fruit and crop picking on the minimum wage. Clearly others have no such issues, just so pampered little brats like you can get your fruit and veg cheap in Tesco.

    Lets look at your favourite rag, the Daily Mail. The same rag that you claim suggests the UK is overcrowded.

    “It’s said Britain is a green and pleasant land – and there’s now a map that proves it.

    The ‘land cover map’, from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, shows that urban sprawl accounts for just six per cent of the country’s landscape.

    The map shows that a quarter of all land is comprised mainly of arable and horticultural areas.”

    So there you go, on planet carrot crunch an urban sprawl of a mere 6% is somehow evidence that the UK is overcrowded. Only on planet carrot crunch could that conclusion be reached.

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