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  • #1032600

    The ONS statistics are showing a lower population density for England than the ones I had for the whole uk, interesting.

    I just calculated the population density for England myself, I came out with 420.530553658 people per Km2, which is just slightly higher than the ONS figures.

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    I expect there’s been more information bounced around here regarding Brexit than the House of Commons knows about 😉

    Well, tinks, my guess is the Government keeps rather a lot from the House of Commons.

    There are certainly more figures here than clarity.


    The EU has a very weak negotiating position, for many reasons, but chiefly that the UK’s budget contribution and military power cannot be replaced, and secondly that the EU may not even exist in a few years depending on the outcome of elections. If Le Pen wins in France then it is likely that the EU will collapse shortly afterwards if she follows though on her campaign promises to leave the Eurozone and end freedom of movement.

    Nope on both counts.

    The UK’s budget contribution isn’t part of its bargaining cards. The contribution is ended as soon as Brexit takes place. There may well be interim payments made after Brexit, but that’s because the UK govt has such a weak hand. Unless we leave without a deal (not really an option for any but the hardest of brexiteers who would put up wiht economic chaos so they can fly the flag), then an interim arrangement is going to be necessary. May is already talking of having to pay for this.

    Their attempt to play the military card has fallen flat on its face. They’ve had to back off from that.

    The UK has a very weak baragining hand now that article 50 has been triggered. All the EU has to do is set the clock ticking and wait. Virtually everything else is altruism on their part.

    Le Pen’s victory could certainly happen, but it won’t lead to a Frexit, or even a French withdrawal form the euro. I feel pretty certain the EU would survive such a victory. I can elaborate on this in a separate thread for anyone interested.

    however already we have back peddling by government e.g. immigration not to be restricted for at least 5 years. all ongoing EU rules etc to be adopted and so on.

    Failure to address these concerns will result in a Tory/UKIP coalition in 2020, I think this is fairly certain regarless of how you feel about UKIP or it’s current management problems.

    That’s bizarre. I doubt that UKIP’s decline will be halted now. Your wish doesn’t make it real, drac.

    I’m old and wise enough to know that it’s best not to predict events so many years ahead. So much can happen.




    The liberal EU class now tell us that the likes of Corbyn are “hard left” when 60 years ago he would have been considered barely to the centre of the left.

    I actually agree with this. His economic programme is based on the liberal Yellow Book of 1928, written by Keynes.  I don’t think it will be successful if put in action.

    Momentum isn’t what keeps Corbyn in power, though they like to think so. McCluskey is what keeps Corbyn in power; when McCluskey tells Corbyn it’s time to go, then he’ll start to pack his bags.

    From what I gather, Corbyn wants to go anyway. He’s hanging on until the Labour Party changes its rules for nominating leadership candidates; at the moment, it’s extremely difficult to nominate anyone on the Left.

    EU membership has also ensured voter apathy, where 40% don’t even bother voting and the FPTP system puts in place the same political elites,

    oh dear GE, the FPTP (First past the Post) system has been in operation since they began electing MPs, certainly long before the EU.  Methinks political apathy is due to other causes.


    The ONS statistics are showing a lower population density for England than the ones I had for the whole uk, interesting.

    I just calculated the population density for England myself, I came out with 420.530553658 people per Km2, which is just slightly higher than the ONS figures.

    How can you have a lower population density for the uk than England ffs… dear lord. You think that scotland has a more densely populated area than England lol?



    So, in one breathe we have the Brexit right wing slyly and deceitfully producing figures for densely populated cities in England rather than the UK as a whole, to falsely claim the UK is overcrowded, to support their anti immigration rhetoric. Then on the other side of the coin we have the liberal centre right Remain camp, stubbornly defending the economic policies over the past 40 years, that alienated the working class, created a “new” underclass and that led to Brexit in the first place. (Yes I know there is more to it than that blah blah).

    The liberal left Remain camp and the liberal right Brexit camp (both right of centre), are two cheeks of the same arse and the only current politician proposing to re-educate and re-skill the working class and rebuild a competitive hi tech manufacturing base, build 500,000 council houses and 500,000 private, introduce a real living wage etc etc, is flippantly dismissed as a “loony left winger”, a Keynesian (although his ideology is mainstream), neo Marxist Trotski commie.

    Those two cheeks of the same arse just don’t get it, basically with an ageing population and declining birth rate, a banking led, service sector driven economy can NOT provide a fully funded infra-structure.  Ideological poison. Class driven. Just goes round and round in circles and the disabled, the sick, the poorest and the most vulnerable in our society, are ALWAYS the first to suffer at the hands of 40 years neoliberal driven “austerity”.






    Are you feeling well, Gerry?


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    a Keynesian (although his ideology is mainstream), neo Marxist Trotski commie.

    Is he a magician ?

    What’s his name please.

    I’d like to read about him.


    Does anyone actually believe Daily Mail articles? 📰

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