Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Wel said, 90 year old lady

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  • #1033412

    Let’s stick to the topic here. Disagreement is fine. Name-calling is not.


    Do you understand that all land is not suitable for farming and why comment without reading the link. Secondly, the EU pays wealthy landowners a subsidy, not to farm. Lastly but not least and i’ll post the link/s when I have more time to look for them, there are plenty of “brownfield” sites in the UK suitable for a mass house building program and property developers and land owners are currently sitting on their land asset to ensure the price of land remains high, school boy stuff, keep supply low when demand is high. It is simplistic garbage to suggest immigration is the issue now, when it has been an issue for nigh on 30 years, long before mass economic migration in the UK. The issue is clearly the land owning class and property developers. The corporate cartels that dominate throughout our economy and the lack of regulation, that allows them to do so.

    You really are a thick, illiterate pudding aren’t you. How can you suggest that a country’s  economy isn’t adversely affected by an increase in numbers when it’s patently obvious to anyone with a half working brain cell that the more people who reside in any specific country means an increase in  demand on public sectors such as   healthcare etc effectively making them unfit for purpose along with pushing house prices up and wages down when migrants are taking up low paid labour. You state, ” it’s simplistic garbage to suggest immigration is the issue when its been an issue for 30 years” so you contradict your own written gibberish.. you’re utterly clueless.



    There are migrants in Norfolk, not that you would ever know living on a cyber chat site washing once a year and barely leaving your own grotty bedsit. Norfolk is one of the better areas in terms of dealing with an influx of “migrants” but there are still areas of this county being earmarked for development regarding new housing estates etc which clearly pale in insignificance compared to cities like Leicester, Birmingham etc which resemble Islamabad rather than any British city.

    I won’t hold my breathe waiting for you to back up your ludicrous claim regarding economic migrants in Norfolk. Quite simply a lie and as I stated my sister lives in Norfolk. Thanks though for confirming your real agenda, which is anti Muslim, Islamophobic ideology and nothing to do with economic migration at all.


    I’m not interested in your “sister” living in Norfolk, I’ve lived here 365 days a year for several years so your view is irrelevant. Incidentally I am not ” anti immigration” as you infer, I’m against  immigration when the immigrant brings no skill to the UK and simply comes here to claim on welfare or with no plan at all other than scavenge for jobs effectively pushing wages down for all and sundry as employers know there will always be someone ready to work for below the minimum wage.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by  rudeboy.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by  rudeboy.

    There are migrants in Norfolk, not that you would ever know living on a cyber chat site washing once a year and barely leaving your own grotty bedsit. Norfolk is one of the better areas in terms of dealing with an influx of “migrants” but there are still areas of this county being earmarked for development regarding new housing estates etc which clearly pale in insignificance compared to cities like Leicester, Birmingham etc which resemble Islamabad rather than any British city.

    I won’t hold my breathe waiting for you to back up your ludicrous claim regarding economic migrants in Norfolk. Quite simply a lie and as I stated my sister lives in Norfolk. Thanks though for confirming your real agenda, which is anti Muslim, Islamophobic ideology and nothing to do with economic migration at all.

    Of course I’m ” anti muslim ” and against ” Islamic ideology ” … who of sound mind wouldn’t be. Why would anyone want to move a step towards sharia law in a civilised country?



    You really are a thick, illiterate pudding aren’t you. How can you suggest that a country’s economy isn’t adversely affected by an increase in numbers when it’s patently obvious to anyone with a half working brain cell that the more people who reside in any specific country means an increase in demand on public sectors such as healthcare etc effectively making them unfit for purpose along with pushing house prices up and wages down when migrants are taking up low paid labour. You state, ” it’s simplistic garbage to suggest immigration is the issue when its been an issue for 30 years” so you contradict your own written gibberish.. you’re utterly clueless.

    Lol. Rudeboys little world of Norfolk, where the issues he raises are beyond his comprehension, because in Rudeboys little world of Norfolk, out there in the sticks, he has no concept of the economic/political ideology that first created those issues in the 80’s first under Thatcher, then Major and then Blair. In Rudeboys little world of Norfolk, the government of the day not providing the infra-structure required for a free market banking led, service sector economy, fueled by housing bubbles, began now not in the 80’s. Absolutely clueless. Yet another tired repetitive thread blaming immigrants for political ineptitude and all the woes within British society.


    No, the problem is you are anti immigration, as is your sidekick Rudeboy. Your issue is ideological and political in nature. It is nothing to do population size and your post history on this issue is self explanatory.

    I don’t really care about immigration, I only prefer that we select immigrants from compatible cultures, which is mostly the Commonwealth and the EU. I’m an immigrant myself.



    There are migrants in Norfolk, not that you would ever know living on a cyber chat site washing once a year and barely leaving your own grotty bedsit. Norfolk is one of the better areas in terms of dealing with an influx of “migrants” but there are still areas of this county being earmarked for development regarding new housing estates etc which clearly pale in insignificance compared to cities like Leicester, Birmingham etc which resemble Islamabad rather than any British city.

    I won’t hold my breathe waiting for you to back up your ludicrous claim regarding economic migrants in Norfolk. Quite simply a lie and as I stated my sister lives in Norfolk. Thanks though for confirming your real agenda, which is anti Muslim, Islamophobic ideology and nothing to do with economic migration at all.

    Of course I’m ” anti muslim ” and against ” Islamic ideology ” … who of sound mind wouldn’t be. Why would anyone want to move a step towards sharia law in a civilised country?

    Lol. One thing is certain, you don’t swagger round any major town or city in Norfolk, airing those kind of views publicly. If you do indeed live in Norfolk, it changes everytime you post. Always safer to blag about it anonymously online isn’t it.



    No, the problem is you are anti immigration, as is your sidekick Rudeboy. Your issue is ideological and political in nature. It is nothing to do population size and your post history on this issue is self explanatory.

    I don’t really care about immigration, I only prefer that we select immigrants from compatible cultures, which is mostly the Commonwealth and the EU. I’m an immigrant myself.

    You clearly do care about immigration, it’s all you type about on these boards, whatever the subject you always narrow it down to immigration.


    You clearly do care about immigration, it’s all you type about on these boards, whatever the subject you always narrow it down to immigration.

    I usually talk about politics, which is sometimes immigration, and muslims, who are sometimes immigrants.

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