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  • #1033331

    “It’s said Britain is a green and pleasant land – and there’s now a map that proves it. The ‘land cover map’, from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, shows that urban sprawl accounts for just six per cent of the country’s landscape. The map shows that a quarter of all land is comprised mainly of arable and horticultural areas.”

    Do you know what farms are? :unsure:

    At current levels, 60% of our food has to be imported.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by  draculina.


    Do you understand that all land is not suitable for farming and why comment without reading the link. Secondly, the EU pays wealthy landowners a subsidy, not to farm. Lastly but not least and i’ll post the link/s when I have more time to look for them, there are plenty of “brownfield” sites in the UK suitable for a mass house building program and property developers and land owners are currently sitting on their land asset to ensure the price of land remains high, school boy stuff, keep supply low when demand is high. It is simplistic garbage to suggest immigration is the issue now, when it has been an issue for nigh on 30 years, long before mass economic migration in the UK. The issue is clearly the land owning class and property developers. The corporate cartels that dominate throughout our economy and the lack of regulation, that allows them to do so.



    Without even getting into Thatcher selling off council stock and not replacing them and Blair continuing the trend. The private sector can NOT be trusted to step in.


    Secondly, the EU pays wealthy landowners a subsidy, not to farm.

    Farming could be done more efficently for sure, GMOs could increace crop yields significantly but I don’t think even then the UK would be able to reach enough production for the current population levels.

    Lastly but not least and i’ll post the link/s when I have more time to look for them, there are plenty of “brownfield” sites in the UK suitable for a mass house building program and property developers and land owners are currently sitting on their land asset to ensure the price of land remains high, school boy stuff, keep supply low when demand is high.

    These kinds of places exist, but I don’t think they make up very much of the land in the UK. This is why I like to do my own research when possible. Go onto google maps and find land that isn’t developed or fields, it’s pretty hard to find large areas of empty land.

    The issue is clearly the land owning class and property developers. The corporate cartels that dominate throughout our economy and the lack of regulation, that allows them to do so.

    No, the problem is population, go back to my earlier post where I calculate that if you evenly distributed all of the land in the UK, each person would get a circle with a radius of 35 meters. That isn’t really very much land when you consider that there would be no farms or woodland left in the entire country. Again, you can go onto Google maps, it has a ruler tool if you right click, you can see how much land this is.


    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year

    You just stepped on the rake and hit yourself in the face with it.

    Thanks for that,

    2 members liked this post.

    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year

    You just stepped on the rake and hit yourself in the face with it. Thanks for that,

    The guy is a total arse.

    Even when he makes good points he wrecks them with his Poor Man’s Oxford Union style, degenerating so quickly into schoolyard naughty-boy shouting lolol



    Secondly, the EU pays wealthy landowners a subsidy, not to farm.

    Farming could be done more efficently for sure, GMOs could increace crop yields significantly but I don’t think even then the UK would be able to reach enough production for the current population levels.

    Lastly but not least and i’ll post the link/s when I have more time to look for them, there are plenty of “brownfield” sites in the UK suitable for a mass house building program and property developers and land owners are currently sitting on their land asset to ensure the price of land remains high, school boy stuff, keep supply low when demand is high.

    These kinds of places exist, but I don’t think they make up very much of the land in the UK. This is why I like to do my own research when possible. Go onto google maps and find land that isn’t developed or fields, it’s pretty hard to find large areas of empty land.

    The issue is clearly the land owning class and property developers. The corporate cartels that dominate throughout our economy and the lack of regulation, that allows them to do so.

    No, the problem is population, go back to my earlier post where I calculate that if you evenly distributed all of the land in the UK, each person would get a circle with a radius of 35 meters. That isn’t really very much land when you consider that there would be no farms or woodland left in the entire country. Again, you can go onto Google maps, it has a ruler tool if you right click, you can see how much land this is.

    No, the problem is you are anti immigration, as is your sidekick Rudeboy. Your issue is ideological and political in nature. It is nothing to do population size and your post history on this issue is self explanatory.



    1 member liked this post.

    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year

    You just stepped on the rake and hit yourself in the face with it. Thanks for that,

    The guy is a total arse. Even when he makes good points he wrecks them with his Poor Man’s Oxford Union style, degenerating so quickly into schoolyard naughty-boy shouting lolol

    I think you’ve missed the point Scep, unless you were part of the Gang, too.

    I’m sure Ge knows what I’m referring to though.



    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year

    You just stepped on the rake and hit yourself in the face with it. Thanks for that,

    The guy is a total arse. Even when he makes good points he wrecks them with his Poor Man’s Oxford Union style, degenerating so quickly into schoolyard naughty-boy shouting lolol

    Things could be worse though, I could be an aggressive forum troll like you, with your infantile posts and your infantile insults and your total lack of insight as to how you translate to others.



    The population density figures come from the WHOLE country , what part of that do you not understand you dense bastard? I live in Norfolk and even here we are overrun with migrants sorry to shock you.

    Lol. |The Norfolk carrot cruncher getting all butch again and telling yet more lies. Strange one though, my sister lives in that region and I visit four or five times a year, nope not an economic migrant issue there at all, just the imaginary one in your head and just lazy little self entitled pampered brats like you, who don’t want get their hands dirty fruit and crop picking on the minimum wage. Clearly others have no such issues, just so pampered little brats like you can get your fruit and veg cheap in Tesco. Lets look at your favourite rag, the Daily Mail. The same rag that you claim suggests the UK is overcrowded. “It’s said Britain is a green and pleasant land – and there’s now a map that proves it. The ‘land cover map’, from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, shows that urban sprawl accounts for just six per cent of the country’s landscape. The map shows that a quarter of all land is comprised mainly of arable and horticultural areas.” So there you go, on planet carrot crunch an urban sprawl of a mere 6% is somehow evidence that the UK is overcrowded. Only on planet carrot crunch could that conclusion be reached.

    There are migrants in Norfolk, not that you would ever know living on a cyber chat site washing once a year and barely leaving your own grotty bedsit. Norfolk is one of the better areas in terms of dealing with an influx of “migrants” but there are still areas of this county being earmarked for development regarding new housing estates etc which  clearly pale in insignificance compared to cities like Leicester, Birmingham etc which resemble Islamabad rather than any British city.


    Regarding population density, as Drac has referred to, have you never heard of farms for eg and fields used to cultivate crops or do you believe the food you shop for in budget shops like Aldi as you spend your minimum wage job earnings come from a stalk with a sack?

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