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8 May, 2007 at 12:39 am #6980
Slayer, whats the definition of racism?
8 May, 2007 at 10:07 am #269698according to my mate who works for kirklees council a racist is anyone who is not coloured or mixed race… they have to work with the ethos that anyone who complains about anything is a racist. if you have to go to the council offices for any reason [for council tax enquiries for example] you are warned by notices everywhere that if you upset any coloured council worker with racism you will be arrested. there is no such protection for white workers though … that to me is racism :x
8 May, 2007 at 10:48 pm #269699y’see, the idea of a pedantic argument based on dictionary definitions is futile but fun
The inherent belief in the superiority of one race over all others and thereby the right to dominance.
defined broadly as stigmatization of those we perceive as different from us;
Judging an individual based solely on his or her racial affiliation.
Racism may be expressed individually and consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously
Racism is any form of bigotry, prejudice, violence, oppression, stereotyping or other socially divisive practice whose primary basis is the concept of race.
Sits back n lights the fuse :)
8 May, 2007 at 11:17 pm #269700Where does it say this?
9 May, 2007 at 5:40 pm #269701you asked for my definition of racism………..n you’ve got it
9 May, 2007 at 6:14 pm #269702as i said slayer according to my mate…..
racism can be percieved differently by every person with differing views,
personally i think racism is when a person attacks another either physically or orally etc pureley because the other person is another colour.
our government have caused us a lot of this misery by legislating bullcrap such as
ba ba coloured sheep have you any wool
wintermass festival
banning children from asking if they can colour in at school less it offends
segregating white and coloured people in swimming pools etc. to me this encourages racism as people will naturally pick a side to follow. we are natural team pickers thats why football rugby etc all do so well as we pick a team to follow white v black etc etc etc thats my ethos and its only my personal opinion. im sure someone will pick it to bits and explain why im wrong but there it is for nowt. as we say up here in th’ills.9 May, 2007 at 8:49 pm #269703Dint Padre Paulo have stigmatization :?: :?: :wink:
So I guess I’m Racist then cos I hate anyone who bleeds the country I call my own dry of all its benefits and such. Leaving decent and honest hard working people to scrape a living daily :twisted: :twisted:
9 May, 2007 at 9:18 pm #269704@slayer wrote:
you asked for my definition of racism………..n you’ve got it
So, the absolute definition of racism in the English language, is a self produced set of words by you :D
There can only be one set of words that define a word, what are they?
9 May, 2007 at 10:08 pm #269705@waspish wrote:
as i said slayer according to my mate…..
racism can be percieved differently by every person with differing views,
personally i think racism is when a person attacks another either physically or orally etc pureley because the other person is another colour.
our government have caused us a lot of this misery by legislating bullcrap such as
ba ba coloured sheep have you any wool
wintermass festival
banning children from asking if they can colour in at school less it offends
segregating white and coloured people in swimming pools etc. to me this encourages racism as people will naturally pick a side to follow. we are natural team pickers thats why football rugby etc all do so well as we pick a team to follow white v black etc etc etc thats my ethos and its only my personal opinion. im sure someone will pick it to bits and explain why im wrong but there it is for nowt. as we say up here in th’ills.Again wasp, Im no supporter of Labour but where has anyone legislated that we call xmas “wintermass” or we use baa baa coloured sheep? Ignorant councils and local education authorities may use this in a misguided attempt to be politically correct (and only succeed in the opposite) but no government has enshrined in law this must happen.
Indeed, only 2 weeks ago a school which removed the words (at the headmistresses instruction) the words to 3 little pigs (as they thought using the word pig would offend ffs) was told by the head of the education authority to stop being so bl/oody stupid n put it back.
BUT, why does a black/chinese/muslim/anyone none white get the blame for a misguided white (normally) persons attempt to be none rascist- they find it as ridiculous as you and I that some people call xmas “wintermass”-
9 May, 2007 at 10:29 pm #269706@emmalush wrote:
@slayer wrote:
you asked for my definition of racism………..n you’ve got it
So, the absolute definition of racism in the English language, is a self produced set of words by you :D
There can only be one set of words that define a word, what are they?
You didnt ask for an absolute definition, you asked what is meant
And no, there can be many sets of words which define a word
meaning stomach
meaning to remove entrailshigh
meaning up and above
meaning post drug use feelingetc etc etc etc etc
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