Boards Index General discussion Getting serious "we fight on our own"

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  • #293186

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    ….Bikers do look after their own but the ones I know would not harbour a murderer, nor would the majority. Who did they murder?

    A Mr Horace Trumpington, of 33 Acacia Avenue, Blagdon-on-Sea ….. does it really matter who it was …. they murdered somebody ffs

    I just wondered if the victim was a completely innocent one, or whether he was a wrongun.

    Oh well that’s alright then, I must have misunderstood the point you were making.

    So if the victim was innocent it was murder (which you don’t condone) and a terrible crime ….. and if he was a ”wrongun” then he deserved all he got.

    Thank God we have nice decent honest biker gangs to act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner on our behalf so as to keep the streets clean and safe for us all.

    yep…. great isnt it!


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    ….Bikers do look after their own but the ones I know would not harbour a murderer, nor would the majority. Who did they murder?

    A Mr Horace Trumpington, of 33 Acacia Avenue, Blagdon-on-Sea ….. does it really matter who it was …. they murdered somebody ffs

    asian muslims killed over 30 women in britain last year in the name of honour. do you think hell angels killed that many people in the last 20 years ? cos i dont.
    you cant tarnish an entire group of people with one case of stupidity. and i can guarantee you whatever chapter he was he certainly wasnt an outlaw. the man killed on his way home from the buldog bash this summer was killed by hells angels for no reason whatsoever other than the fact he wasnt one of their gang. stupid but not reprasentative of all angels or bikers.


    @slayer wrote:

    I also assume by “bikers”, Wasp doesnt mean the thousands of scrotes who ride motorbikes up and down streets in every estate in the land, with no helmet, insurance or tax or any kind of respect for law and order

    I guess the bikers Wasp means are the “seasoned” 40 somethings who have big bikes n lots of leather

    yes id include those bikers as well theyre a pretty nice bunch on the whole. ive been riding bikes since 1975 year in year out ive never had a bad smash or indeed a crash that i didnt walk away with. ive been hit 2 times in the last 5 years once by a white van man. andthe second was scool pickup barbie who was putting her mascara on whilst driving a shogun, damned moron didnt only hit me but a school disability bus as well. and shes still driving only now shes got a warrior an even bigger useless lump of debt just to show off picking her little barbie from school.


    asian muslims killed over 30 women in britain last year in the name of honour.

    That is a terrible thing and something that obviously needs to be stopped, but how many women were killed here by angry / jealous /drunk / drugged husbands / boyfriends /ex’s / obsessed stalkers / random attackers that were not muslims?


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    asian muslims killed over 30 women in britain last year in the name of honour.

    That is a terrible thing and something that obviously needs to be stopped, but how many women were killed here by angry / jealous /drunk / drugged husbands / boyfriends /ex’s / obsessed stalkers / random attackers that were not muslims?


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