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15 November, 2007 at 4:03 pm #8516
That was the view of an elderly lady in Salford Manchester, in the tv programme broadcast last night where a millionaire went back to where he was brought up to find out what problems the community are suffering, he was in tears after what he found, consequently, he gave the locals money and hope to build a better life.
If you watched the programme, you’ll be aware of the good decent people in that area who have NOTHING, the area they live in is run down, many houses boarded up, they are left aside without public funding whilst asylum seekers and illegals get fully furnished houses and jobs in government positions.
So how ironic that just 24 hours earlier the “MP” for Salford, Hazel Blears, who is “Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government“, was on a national radio station telling us how great a job she was doing in her constituency, that she “understood the people and their problems”.
16 November, 2007 at 3:41 pm #293167hazel blears understands her community as well as maggie understood the meaning of society get elected move to london line ur pockets as fast as you can then retire abroad while the plebs who paid for it all go to battle on the streets just to keep the muggers and robbers at bay polititions should be made to live amongst the people they are supposed to represent not in the ivory towers the claim is their right.
all polititions are the same at the end greedy self serving grubs who bury themselves in and live on their host theyre just as bad as the spongers and immigrants who want it all on a plate without the effort of working for it and worse still we the publichave become complacent to it if youask anyone in your local pub they all say the same but no one is willinh to start changing things it will take a civil war towake the sleeping lions that supposedly have our interests and safety at heart coppers are too busy chasing car owners and council tax dodgers to bother with catching real criminals and thats where we will be until it all goes tits up no wonder white flight is at an all time high who can blame them this country is a cess pit of neo nazis and religiomaniacs all fighting for their own individual corner and were not on he agenda we just get to pay for it all.16 November, 2007 at 4:43 pm #293168@waspish wrote:
polititions should be made to live amongst the people they are supposed to represent not in the ivory towers the claim is their right.
That would be fun.
all polititions are the same at the end greedy self serving grubs
So what are you going to do about it other than moan about it like me and others do?
worse still we the public have become complacent to it if you ask anyone in your local pub they all say the same but no one is willinh to start changing things
Every good stand takes one single human being to speak, and when that one single human being tells their closest friends and family, those closest friends and family back them, after that, friends and family of the friends and family back them, and before you know it, you’re standing as a candidate worrying the crap out of the councillor or MP in your area.
it will take a civil war to wake the sleeping lions that supposedly have our interests and safety at heart
Quite possibly, how sad that would be.
coppers are too busy chasing car owners and council tax dodgers to bother with catching real criminals
They dont want to, they are TOLD to do this by those we elect because we dont wana stand. Many coppers are good people who hate crime.
16 November, 2007 at 10:48 pm #293169they are left aside without public funding whilst asylum seekers and illegals get fully furnished houses and jobs in government positions.
Try telling that to the ones in the assylum seekers’ detention centres!
coppers are too busy chasing car owners and council tax dodgers to bother with catching real criminals
Er…. Speeding motorists and council tax dodgers ARE real criminals. Moving traffic offences are criminal offences, and so is failure to pay tax.
17 November, 2007 at 12:43 pm #293170@bassingbourne55 wrote:
they are left aside without public funding whilst asylum seekers and illegals get fully furnished houses and jobs in government positions.
Try telling that to the ones in the assylum seekers’ detention centres!
coppers are too busy chasing car owners and council tax dodgers to bother with catching real criminals
Er…. Speeding motorists and council tax dodgers ARE real criminals. Moving traffic offences are criminal offences, and so is failure to pay tax.
so i take it you think its ok for 3 police officers to tazer a 68 year old man who refused to surrender to custody and leave his terminally ill wife alone in their council flat. ? the tv license was 5weeks overdue when the man was summonsed he then purchased a lisence but the police turned up to lock him up as he had failed twice to pay the imposed fine he recieved at court. the court had sent his payment demands to the wrong address and as a result the man was arrested and imprisoned for 5 hours until his son [living abroad] found out and paid the fine in total. is this realy what you want our police to be doing as a job ? is it realy ok to use boot boy tactics on a pensioner, whilst groups of youths make areas in every town a no go for fear of being mugged or attacked. ?? you think police officers are better served rounding up mentally ill people for shoplifting than rounding up drug dealers. ?? you think we should waste time on catching people speeding on open roads with no houses [as they are near to me] when there are gangs of asians threatening and attacking kids as young as 6 because they wander onto their patch ????? drug dealers patch that is. but hey if we get 3 speeding tickets it pays for the coppers wages for that day. if you think this type of policing is what we need then youre sadly very mistaken. you may live in a leafy groved area where there are no dealers wandering around and no car thieves watching your house. and there are no gangs of asians taking very young girls for rides in their suped up impretsas then get them off their faces and hand them round their mates for a coupleof hours fun. but some of us do live in areas like this and we need real police officers not community support officers who spend all day drinking cups of tea in old folks houses keeping warm and dry. i thought we paid council tax pertly to keep our streets safe ? not so at all were now more under threat from our coppers than we are from burglars. you mention youve seen 3 asians atacking a white man and the first thing they say is why do you say they are asian…… well cos they are ??? end of case stopped nop further imput they cant be seen aresting our little asian friends can we.
18 November, 2007 at 2:56 pm #293171You’ll always be able to find cases of police officers, teachers, judges etc. who indulge in stupid actions.
Over 3000 people die on our roads each year so it is self-evident that enforcing speed limits and prosecuting the criminal motorists who drive badly IS an important priority for the police. When I am walking, cycling or driving my car I want the streets to be safe. I want the law to protect me from those who might have passed a driving test but are psychologically and temperamentally unfit to hold a driving licence. There are a lot of such drivers around.
18 November, 2007 at 5:08 pm #293172@bassingbourne55 wrote:
I want the law to protect me from those who might have passed a driving test but are psychologically and temperamentally unfit to hold a driving licence. There are a lot of such drivers around.
Some of them even drive motocycles eh???
18 November, 2007 at 6:38 pm #293173@bassingbourne55 wrote:
Over 3000 people die on our roads each year so it is self-evident that enforcing speed limits and prosecuting the criminal motorists who drive badly IS an important priority for the police. When I am walking, cycling or driving my car I want the streets to be safe. I want the law to protect me from those who might have passed a driving test but are psychologically and temperamentally unfit to hold a driving licence. There are a lot of such drivers around.
Is fining people £50 worthwhile when they can still harm you, or would you prefer these animals who risk your life be thrown in jail?
19 November, 2007 at 12:00 am #293174Nah …. just fine them. But £50 a bit steep Emma – make it £25 all in.
19 November, 2007 at 12:19 am #293175Back to the programme Ive watched a few of these and he was by far my favorite millionaire so far, not only donating money to worthy causes but down to earth and dediccating at least the next two years of his life to helping the people there.
How can they offer such rubbish money to a retired couple who have a bought and paid for house???? They want to retire in comfort and were given no chance!!
And its a disgrace that in this day and age we still have so many homeless people yet many immigrants are housed and supported in comfort.
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