:-k :-k :-k Me????? :D/ :D/ i no it early :- :- :- ………… but im hopin for this weekends lottery no,s [-o< [-o< [-o< boy wud i make a dent in 18 million !!!!!! =D> =D>
I’d like me to be in my stocking………still with me leg in it…….fast asleep……having been out on the lash all nite………only joking, don’t want the impossible, I’ll settle for ………half a nite on the lash :lol:
I’d like me to be in my stocking………still with me leg in it…….fast asleep……having been out on the lash all nite………only joking, don’t want the impossible, I’ll settle for ………half a nite on the lash & a LARGE DlLDO :lol: