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29 November, 2006 at 10:28 am #251696
god …………happy days ehh. me n my hubby was only laffin over this the other day when the littleun was demandin new trainers. he remembers the first day of the school holidays…..there were 7 of them…….his mum always went to woolies and bought 7 pairs of plastic god forbid they dint last the whole 7 weeks. i begged every summer for a white pair.but had to have red or even worse brown.cos they stayed cleaner longer.
the annual local workin mens club trip to either skeggy or brid……….all the kids in the street went………the back seat of the coach was reserved fa the best fighters.
christmas day was the only day of the year us kids were allowed in the front was kept closed the rest of the year………unless one of my brothers or my sister brought their g/friend..b/friend home fa sunday tea.when a fire was lit in the grate and me an my twin bro got slapped fa standin outside the door gigglin.
and the bedrooms actually only contained ur bed and a chest of drawers………u wouldnt dream of goin upstairs during daylight hours………..not like now where my littleuns looks like a cross btween toys r us an comet…………an he sulks if he cant ave at least 3 mates up there even on the hottest summer day.
playin in the local woods and buildin tarzan swings from the highest tree……without fear of bein molested.
oh an my best memories……………sitin in front of the fire on winter nights makin toast b4 we went to bed.
29 November, 2006 at 10:39 am #251697:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Them were the days eh. When getting sent to your room was actually a punishment. You cant get the little sods out of there rooms nowadays.. :lol:
29 November, 2006 at 11:30 am #251698@fastcars wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Them were the days eh. When getting sent to your room was actually a punishment. You cant get the little sods out of there rooms nowadays.. :lol:
lol and when my girls were small you couldnt even get into their room unless u were armed with at least 2 black sacks to clear the rubbish out.
my bedroom as a child was stark and cold and I shared it with me sisters and me brothers lol, freezin cold to go to bed or get up with cotton sheets, woolly blankets and with envelope corners when you made the bed, sometimes if your mum made it you were like a sardine lol and bedtime was bedtime , no messin 8 oclock bed and 8.30 when I was 15.
we had drippin on toast for monday morning breakfast and tuesday and the joint me mum cooked on a sunday lasted monday with hot vegatables and stew on a tuesday. we were made to sit at the table till we cleared our plates and ‘dont like that’ definately wasnt allowed. we had porridge for breakfast or shredded wheat yuk!!! we walked miles to school in rain shine hail or snow this was after walking my younger brother and sister to school first. we went to saturday morning cinema where one paid and then let the others in through the back door and we spent the morning booing the villains and cheering the heroes. the tele programmes didnt start till bout 6 or 7pm and finished at 10pm and you sat through the epilogue lol. we used to listen to 2 way family favourites on the radio sunday lunchtime, and later on a sort of top of the pops thing on a sunday night. me mum used to listen to ‘womens hour ‘ on the radio in the afternoon and woe betide you if you interupted between the hours of 2pm and 3 pm lol. she also always had knitting for goodness sakes which me stepdad always complained about , he used to say he could hear her clackin in the other room and I have to say we had some of the wierdest coloured jumpers all the same style i hasten to add lol.
sunday night tv was a treat, with sunday night at the london palladium and beat the clock lol , programmes like take your pick and double your money and kids programes such as robin hood, william tell and noddy lmao.
as time went on more and more tv programmes and longer tv days, we used to rush home on a friday night to watch ready steady go a sort of ‘top of the pops’ but on itv lol .
at school you had loads of homework and the boys had the cane if they were bad and the girls were rapped over the knuckles with the ruler. you had shoe inspection and you didnt dare go into school without your full uniform. We did gym in our navy knickers with a littel pocket (which i thought woz for yer hanky lmao , i now realise the pocket may have been fer a condom lmao) just kiddin. we walked miles to the playing fields and you took your school report home unopened and my mum could never read half of mine cos the teachers handwriting was so bad lol .
you went home from school changed out of your uniform and did chores, followed by your homework followed by tea. your homework always had to pass mums inspection.
although you washed every day you only actually had a bath once a week and that was on a sunday night ready for school on monday. Me mum used to do all the washing on a monday too, beds changed etc.
my first bike was a rusty old thing and it was restored into pristeen condition by me stepdad and me brothers and i went everywhere on it lol… we never ate in restraunts although we did get to go to the local cafe with me mum in school holidays for a coke and 3d (3p) in the juke box lol usually elvis records. our first record player was an old wind up one lol and the first record played on it (a 78) was itsy witsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini (no not the timmy mallet version pmsl the original)
we had a front room you were never allowed into unless we had really special guests and sundays we usually went out somewhere. we had caravan holidays and dinner usually had instant mash oh and something called ‘nestea’ which was an instant tea lol which was the strangest tasting thing lol… burnt to a crisp cos no one bothered with sun cream.
Friday night was sweetie night, caramacs, liquorice sticks, sherbet dabs, and some funny little wooden sort of sticks tasting of aniseed. oh and pear drops!!! lmao
you cut the lawn with a manual lawn mower and it was blimmin hard work.
Dads never lifted a finger in the house as far as housework went and mums never did any decorating or maintenance. Women went out to work sometimes for ‘pin money’ lol which was sort of just a bit extra for treats.
one of the biggest treats we used to have if we had visitors was red salmon sandwiches they were yummy lol. and the best china teaset used to come out and tea tasted just loverly lol I still have a thing for china cups l….tea was fresh tealeaves you made it in a teapot, warm the pot, one spoon of tea for each person and one fer the pot pmsl. then you put the tea cosy on it and let it stand fer 3 minutes before stirring it and pouring. you never ever drank a full cup you always left some in the bottom or else you would end up with mouthfull of tealeaves yuk!!!!!!!!
all the adult visitors that came round were always addressed as uncle something or aunty something and if you were allowed to sit in with the adults you literally had to be seen and not heard pmsl. we were never allowed to sit on the 3 piece suite there were 4 of us kids and each one of us had a stool different colours so we knew which one was ours.
we had plastic sandals lol and pacamacs!!!!!! and pumps lol , school shoes were hard and rigid and you had to polish them every night and have them inspected!!!!
the local holiday was usually wales or weston super mare where the whole of birmingham seemed to migrate to during the annual shut down of factorys in the summer ……oh and fairs!!! fairs were such a treat with the most scary thing being the big wheel lol.
ooooooo i have gone on a bit lol good post sharon you got me remembering some good some bad lol xxxx
29 November, 2006 at 12:00 pm #251699gawd caff..its all comin bk to me now lol. i remember me dad lettin me sit in the car on sunday t time to listen to the top twenty on the car radio ……….i got a transistor radio of me own fa me 13th birthday. i had it fa yrs………….the battery was the size of a house brick. an mum putin up a blanket at the kitchen window while me dad dragged the tin bath in an filled it sunday nights fa the *school bath* lol. ye sat there bleddy freezing while ye mum scrubbed the weekends muck of ye neck an did a nit inspection. an there were no fancy shampoos…….the same bar of soap was used on ye hair…..i had waist length blonde silky hair so it must ave bin
i hated mondays in winter……………ye had to climb under the wet bedding draped around the fire on the clothes horse to get a warm when ye came in from it was allus bubble n squeak fa tea….sundays leftovers fried up. an like u dint geta choice of meal..u either ate it or went hungry. i remember sunday mornings tekkin in it turn wif me bro to ave the top of me dads boiled egg lol.
an the saturday mornin pics……..where ye met ur b/friend……an got dumped the followin saturday fa sandra johnston cos word ad gone round she wore a bra………… was still in me vest n liberty bodice till i was 12. :oops: lmao.29 November, 2006 at 12:09 pm #251700Hahaha awwwwwwwwww sweet memories. I got to many to mention, i forget nothing i remember every birthday and xmas through my whole life! Im 26 Saturday so got a few to remember :D
29 November, 2006 at 12:13 pm #251701@becky wrote:
Hahaha awwwwwwwwww sweet memories. I got to many to mention, i forget nothing i remember every birthday and xmas through my whole life! Im 26 Saturday so got a few to remember :D
i’ll certainly never forget my 23rd birthday and xmas day………..i was in hossie givin birh to my daughter lol.
29 November, 2006 at 12:14 pm #251702@pats wrote:
gawd caff..its all comin bk to me now lol. i remember me dad lettin me sit in the car on sunday t time to listen to the top twenty on the car radio ……….i got a transistor radio of me own fa me 13th birthday. i had it fa yrs………….the battery was the size of a house brick. an mum putin up a blanket at the kitchen window while me dad dragged the tin bath in an filled it sunday nights fa the *school bath* lol. ye sat there bleddy freezing while ye mum scrubbed the weekends muck of ye neck an did a nit inspection. an there were no fancy shampoos…….the same bar of soap was used on ye hair…..i had waist length blonde silky hair so it must ave bin
i hated mondays in winter……………ye had to climb under the wet bedding draped around the fire on the clothes horse to get a warm when ye came in from it was allus bubble n squeak fa tea….sundays leftovers fried up. an like u dint geta choice of meal..u either ate it or went hungry. i remember sunday mornings tekkin in it turn wif me bro to ave the top of me dads boiled egg lol.
an the saturday mornin pics……..where ye met ur b/friend……an got dumped the followin saturday fa sandra johnston cos word ad gone round she wore a bra………… was still in me vest n liberty bodice till i was 12. :oops: lmao.OMG!!!!!!!! liberty bodices ffs me mum bought us all liberty bodices pmsl for 15 year olds when we woz 11 pmsl they had all those feckin rubber buttons on ffs!!!!!!!! lmao. lol i remember gettin me first bra pmsl me and me mum where in littlewoods and i stood there and pointed to the bras and saidcan i have one of them mum pmsl and this big feckin sergeant major of a woman came out and measured me in full view of the feckin shop ffs grrrrrrrr lol oh something else we had pats wos a sort of pink cotton wool sort of stuff called thermogene you had a piece for each foot and you would wrap it round the end of your foot to keep your tootsies warm lol oh and in winter on ur way out we would each get a haliborange each and a teaspoon of malt lmao oh and cod liver oil yuk!!!!!!!!!
when i did start work you had to take yer wage packet home unopened and you would get some money back out of it not much but some lol. oooooooooo pats dont get me started pmsl xxxx huggles xxx pmsl bubble n squeak yummy lol xxx
29 November, 2006 at 12:23 pm #251703i dunt remember the thermo wotsit caff…………but i do remember when it snowed……only the posh kids ad gloves..we had an old pair of socks on our hands……and howled blue murder when me mum finally dragged us in an the chillblains kicked in lol.
29 November, 2006 at 12:26 pm #251704@pats wrote:
i dunt remember the thermo wotsit caff…………but i do remember when it snowed……only the posh kids ad gloves..we had an old pair of socks on our hands……and howled blue murder when me mum finally dragged us in an the chillblains kicked in lol.
and dont put ur feet in front of the fire cos u’ll get chilblains pmsl!!!!!!!! i can hear me mum now pmsl xx right of to work lol sposed to ave been workin this morning lol at home done some but not much pmsl cyas all later guys xxxx
29 November, 2006 at 6:40 pm #251705Skipping ropes, Jacks, Conkers, Marbles and carving ya Sweethearts name on a tree !! :wink:
Now ya lucky if ya get the odd Ecard and a text from the pub saying ‘Honey I’m Home ! :roll:
Oh and of course Lovehearts… Ive heard theyve been censored ! :shock: :lol:
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