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  • #365291

    I have one tiny fault :lol:



    You know,,,,logically a perfect man does not exist.

    But then again, a perfect woman does not exist either.

    We all have our faults, hence us being human.


    I think i will hold my breath and go blue (r)



    @pete wrote:

    I have one tiny fault :lol:

    So you gon tell us what it is then, or you gon keep us in susoenders

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:


    he breathes
    (but hes brill at siggys)

    *legs it*

    :wink: :lol: :lol:


    I already have the perfect man …. but don’t tell him he’ll get a head swell and I’ll be taken for granted, barefoot, pregnant and tied to the kitchen otherwise :wink: :lol: :lol:


    Iv’e gave up on ever finding a man, never mind a perfect one. There was once a time I could attract the most gorgeous of men, now the only man that has shown any interest in me is Derick the fish man and he’s well past his sell by date just like the fish he tries to sell me at my door every thursday night! :twisted: :twisted: :P


    @chess wrote:

    he breathes
    (but hes brill at siggys)

    *legs it*

    :wink: :lol: :lol:

    dont leg it too fast i’m incapable of faster than a walk anyway



    ~~* Trust takes time to build, but only mere seconds to destroy. *~~


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