@pats wrote:
hes sayinnnn bad bad fings about u in msn bat. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Oh is he indeed? Well, thats charmin innit eh? All you do is try an elp, and wot fanks do ya get. Cor blimey, I dunno why I bovver I dont. If that dont work for ya Fasty me old china, I,ve got just the fing I ave, ere, take a gander at this then, it should do the job nicely. You wont have a pooter no more, but that dont matter duz it? Least you wont ave no more virus will ya, eh?
psst. Pats send me a pm with transcript of wot fast sez bout me in msn, will ya? but dont tell im i asked, shhhhh. :wink: :wink: :wink: