Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Vinyl or carpet…..that is the question?….

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  • #1097800

    well we tend to chat here moosey….


    Hmm chat is fine ….  Id still like an explanation as to why you have accused me of being ‘ in league’ with people I don’t even know ??  you did say you would reply ?

    I do realise I can appear ‘ abrasive’ , but I dislike cruelty, hence I dislike the ‘poems’ about Hugs. It’s a pity there isn’t a dislike button really. You can be attacked for liking a particular post, even if you don’t agree with the persons main objective, yet you cant disagree with a ‘single ‘ post …. there by people assume you don’t object, or just agree unless you post a reply ….  As we all know  text is very subjective, there is no voice tone, you can’t tell sometimes if people are being sarcastic , humorous , aggy   etc

    We Need A Dislike Button !!!!

    just so we can agree or disagree without getting drawn in to a massive onslaught !!!    Come on MrQ   make it happen !!!


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    right I knew a nigbour who always annoyed me never stopping cleaning she seem to do it every few hours or nearly every day in a week, yet one time I had the music volume louder, she moan to me, then said “it is a dyson” so waht ffs, this happen another time in my life, people in this world dont seem to know that they start some bs with other people, so they are shocked to find out the other person does whatever or does not do whatever, becus of the person who started the prob, also I tested the volume level at a normal volume level I use, I went up to the flat put my ear on the door, and heard no music….. I bet she walked up the steps then heard my music, then later moaned about that time.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    To be honest moosey……dont look for a fight with me here cause you won’t get one..i got nothing against you actually…..all things can be explained but on these boards it will just turn into a bitching session…….we all accuse people of things…..the first post i ever did on the boards you accused me of being Alfie…….and never stopped attacking me since……i’m not Alfie, will never be Alfie and don’t want to be Alfie…….

    Now….if we got our wires crossed ok….i’m sorry……lets move on shall we?


    Yer probably right just…….in my opinion……the biggest noise polluter in neighborhoods is loud music…….i mean…musics a personal thing so why does the whole  estate have to hear it?….LMAO


    I see……you expect me to disagree with a single post? hmmm why would i? I avoid conflict…having said that….you say some thing that i actually disagree with and i’ll say quickly,bluntly and to the point….with out being rude of course…i’ll leave that to the Professionals….LMAO


    I think neither..i have ceramic tiles in my hall.. I find it easier to clean and maintain and hopefully wontneed to be replaced for a while


    I had carpeting thru out entirety of home. Except bathrooms kitchen. Hated replacing due to fact one trail always the most dirty or flatten more thru walkibg area constantly. I had what called central vac…

    All rooms opened a slot, inserted hose, and debris brought down to large unit in my basement which cleaned weekly…heavy hose. Things could easily get jammed in it like sox. Lol….. But last time I pulled up carpets, said done. I had few dogs too. Carpets can be dust collectors. Allergy agents as well.

    So I redid all my floors, polyurethane them all. Great sheen. Use throw rugs for entranceways, and a swifter with pad, wipes up clean. No more vacuum. Broom perhaps. But so much lighter easier.


    Just remember on rugs, natural path walk gets worn first.




    MIST well I played rock people need to learn to like rock YER ROCK! a vacuum cleaner or rock music hmm difficult choice anyone who likes the noise of them need there head testing so obv I choose rock, altho prob people who like the rock I like need there head testing to


    I also used rock  music so I cud not hear my bro fuking his ex, u choose the side u wud be on.

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