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  • #339123

    @pete wrote:

    Yeah (what ya mean rocks) :?

    Back and forth slowly whilst talking to yourself??? :wink:


    Oh yeah i rock :? :shock:


    @pete wrote:

    Yeah (what ya mean rocks) :?

    and you Roll to (air guitar!!!!!!!!!!)


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    The thing is…. orn churns out these “Siggys” for everyone – you included Sarah1 – but does anyone actually use them?

    Well yes actually yes they do use them! So stick that up your chocolate Wiz Wam!


    @candy wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    The thing is…. orn churns out these “Siggys” for everyone – you included Sarah1 – but does anyone actually use them?

    Well yes actually yes they do use them! So stick that up your chocolate Wiz Wam!

    where is it then?


    Well helloooooooo, nice to see my siggy has caused so much interest …….. errrr mmmm for fear of appearing rude ……… do I actually know you Rainbow or Forget me not???? Or is today my turn for have a pop? :shock:

    I don’t think I do actually – unless of course you are members of the hide behind a different name on the boards brigade! :roll:

    Anyway you have a nice day ……. perhaps tomorrow you will find something constructive to do! :D/


    @Forget Me Not wrote:

    @candy wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    The thing is…. orn churns out these “Siggys” for everyone – you included Sarah1 – but does anyone actually use them?

    Well yes actually yes they do use them! So stick that up your chocolate Wiz Wam!

    where is it then?



    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    The thing is…. orn churns out these “Siggys” for everyone – you included Sarah1 – but does anyone actually use them?

    I do rainy xxxx mines done by born hun xx


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Anyway you have a nice day ……. perhaps tomorrow you will find something constructive to do! :D/

    like point out your hypocrisy?
    this only started because someone (candy) began criticising someone else (Rainbowbrite) for making a valid point
    Also, I hasten to point out, just because you don’t know someone does not mean that you should automatically dismiss them when they join in the thread. Anyway you still haven’t actually attached your siggy yet so so why don’t you do that instead of heckling other members (P.S. at least have the damn curteousy of getting our names right, it’s on the screen ffs)


    and i rock apparently

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