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  • #287491

    Why dont you take it all to your local council tip, see if u can do away with it.


    @maybe wrote:

    certain cameras are worth a few quid but mostly ppl have mass produced ones which still survive by the millions ie : kodak brownies lol. Always look out for carl zeiss ones thou they go for a little bit more !

    FFS Don’t mention Zeiss to UGO …. he’ll think it’s a brand of German lager !


    :lol: :lol: He will be ok as long as he has me teaching him !! lol :P



    ok , sale room closed until my return which will probably be next Thursday , heading off down Staffordshire this weekend , well in a couple of hours anyways , ” reminds me must find somewhere to watch part three of ” ” Lord of the Rings Sunday neet ” anybody from Staffs wanna put me up Sunday neet then ? :lol: :lol: :lol:


    well maybe , wat u dont know bout antiques is no bodies bussiness init :lol:

    u cud teach most ppl a fing or 3 lmao , you must no a bit bout antiques cus

    you know ima antiquiety ora ming vase INIT lmao bux xox :D


    arent these like carboot items

    never knew there was a jc ebay i shall be bidding if u got strippers for sale :wink:

    (that doesnt mean u can undress and sell ureself ugopoos)


    i havent got a stripper, got a sander if you’re interested? :lol:


    Are we back to JustChat:Ebay again :roll:


    * waits for stripper sale

    oooooooooo pebbles sander man wax on wax off type mmmmm lol?


    where does he get this endless supply of tat from? :roll: :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)

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