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  • #1089967

    I’m not really sure that carbon dating would prove anything, the bible doesn’t say much about when Jesus was suppose to be alive. It mentions Pontius Pilate, who was in power around 36–39 AD, but naming the wrong roman official doesn’t really matter that much, the Roman Empire was around in some form in the general area until the 15th Century. Although what is considered to be the holy lands was occupied by various islamic caphiphates by then.

    They synoptic gospels are very sloppy in regard to dating.

    John seems to be historically accurate – maybe. A lot of work has been done on that. No perfect accuracy is possible – but then again we don’t really know that much about Caligula, and he was Emperor..

    Where did you get the dates of 36-39 AD from, for Pilate being in power.

    He was Prefect of Judaea between 26 and 36 AD.

    John Meier is writing the best biography of Jesus – A Marginal Jew. The first volume looks at all the historical dating and probabilities.



    They really do take a long time, and Gerry should offer his services to them to speed it all up.

    I find you amusing, the sly digs in all your posts. A Christian you claim? You are all over these boards DEMANDING evidence from everyone else yet when there is existing evidence of your so called Saviour, the rules you set for everyone else apparently don’t apply to you and your so called religion.





    from the man who’s above making sly digs .


    Read the posts, Gerry , with the intention of understnading them instead of making sly and not-so-sly digs at people.

    If possible.

    The last post points to the historical evidence that we have about Jesus.

    Previous posts are about the relevance of the Shroud to Christianity.

    If it’s possible for you to actually address an argument without burying it under cant and sly digs..



    A well educated and intelligent theologian would happily explain their stance and would relish a grown up debate regarding their religious views. They would NOT stamp their feet like a little toddler, every single time their views are challenged.


    Yet another interesting subject on the boards, killed  by the board “god”.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  Ge.


    For I am the board god. I will choose the path that my flock shall folloth for my journey is righteous for I am the chosen one. Should thou detour from my chosen path my wrath will rain down upon you and my revenge shall be swift and unmerciful.






    Being fairly new to my faith I am not well educated, I’m still finding my way but if the shroud was proved true I think its very compelling evidence.

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    For I am the board god. I will choose the path that my flock shall folloth for my journey is righteous for I am the chosen one. Should thou detour from my chosen path my wrath will rain down upon you and my revenge shall be swift and unmerciful. :yahoo:

    phones the hospital


    …I do believe that the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Christ…

    I should have been a bit more precise with my answer.  The authenticity of the Shroud is not settled matter, of course, but given the fascinating characteristics that form the body of evidence thus far, I am inclined to believe it is the burial cloth of Christ.


    The Turin shroud is either;

    Option A, a total freak, one off freak. We have all seen a cloud that has a face in it. A funny shaped leaf, that looks like a face, I have seen a face in steam on a window. The ancients looked up in the sky and saw hunters, bears and dogs, and all sorts of things amongst the stars. Occasionally a carrot look just a penis. In other words, an old rag with a few stains on it, that look like a face.

    Option B, the result of a Middle Ages science experiment or kinky sex game that went wrong, whereby a man was soaked in a concoction of cats pee, goat sweat and pigeon poo mixed with ammonia and camels blood and tiger sperm. He was then wrapped in an old bit of cloth for some reason, he might have been dead. It stained the cloth and left an imprint.

    Option A or B?

    Okay okay it might be a bit far fetched but it’s still a lot more plausible than

    Option C, some bloke called Jesus who may or may not have even existed left his imprint on the cloth after being wrapped in it because its all magic, and he is the son of God so he can do anything, even perform miracles.




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    I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how if the shroud is proven to be ” genuine ” that means it belongs to the son of God and not some wandering gypo called Jesus suffering psychosis believing he was divine contrary to being mentally ill. In any event, I suspect if JC chat was around circa 0 BC/AD, Jesus would have been regular in F2 telling chatters of his God like attributes with Dofan/ king strongbow playing roles of the son and holy ghost on his phantom mobile to complete the mad unholy trinity

    For me, one piece of evidence that the Shroud is associated with Jesus is the correlation to crucifixion.  The wounds in the image are consistent with Roman crucifixion in general, and Jesus’ crucifixion in particular…scourging, crown of thorns, no broken bones, and the wound in the side.  The Shroud image also depicts nailing through the wrists, vs. the common, but incorrect, depiction of nailing through the hands.


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