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22 March, 2018 at 7:05 pm #1090469
I’m not out to change your mind Ge and I am genuinely interested in your thoughts but personally I do believe there is a God, and the Big Bang was his ultimate flash of inspiration. I have always looked for reasons, why and how we came to be, why do we laugh, feel love, why do we care, what makes us human? Where do our morals come from? I dont deny evolution, or science but i still question. Science and faith aren’t necessarily incompatible.
I would happily change my views on any subject if a rational counter argument is presented and with evidence. So called Christians often possess the least morals of all. You also ask where those morals come from as if it is solely a human trait, it isn’t. Ultimately though, science and faith are NOT compatible. You may well believe in a god, but it isn’t the same god depicted in theology.
Edit* Oh ye and BTW, the countless billions of hours wasted by occassionally brilliant minds spent discussing this issue, could have spent more usefully colonizing Mars or another planet. The real world, where this world won’t be around much longer.
22 March, 2018 at 7:05 pm #1090470Even now you face execution in 2018 so imagine a time where people were burnt at the stake for being witches if they didnt recite Hail mary
22 March, 2018 at 7:12 pm #1090472I counted 79 recent Christian scientists listed on wilipedia…
here is just one…
Francis Collins..
A former atheist.
Ge, if you really are serious, have a read of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
Morgan, not all of us dismiss science.
It is a fact that some highly respected scientists in various fields are Christian.
22 March, 2018 at 11:54 pm #1090486You are ONLY a Christian today due to a few very fortunate historical events. Had any of those events gone a different way, you’d not be a Christian today. It is a very flimsy situation.
If you were born 2,000 years ago in Britain, you wouldn’t be a Christian, maybe as little as a 1,000. You are ONLY a Christian today because of dubious and corrupt decisions of a handful of unsophisticated Saxon and Viking Kings (who were no Hawkin and Dawkins) taking massive bribes and incentives 1,000 – 1,500 years ago. It was then decided Jesus is more “plausible” than Thor and Odin so we’ll GIVE UP our own Religion as bollox mythology and allow you to impose your Religion upon us. It could have gone the other way. Jesus could have been dismissed by those Kings, and if it were there’d be no Christianity today, it would be myth. Then what? The Christians didn’t do so well going east, neither did the Muslims coming west.
History has been fortunate for you. It was all those bungs a thousand years ago to dodgy Anglo-Saxon and in particular Viking Kings that secured it for you.
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22 March, 2018 at 11:58 pm #1090488History has been unfortunate for me, as I still believe in Thor and Odin
23 March, 2018 at 12:16 am #1090490It is a fact that some highly respected scientists in various fields are Christian.
I think a lot of people claim to be Christians because out of Love and respect for their parents and family tradition. They don’t want to be the one to break from tradition, be the black sheep, risk estrangement from the family. I’ll be a Jehovah’s Witness tomorrow if I stand to inherit a few billion from my crazy dad, or be President of the USA.
It is a fact that some highly respected scientists in various fields are Muslims. Ask a muslim doctor where a man’s sperm originates from, and then ask him to explain Quran 86:6-7.1 member liked this post.
23 March, 2018 at 1:09 am #1090493Questions for the Christians if I may,
Why should I not view your Abrahamic beliefs as mythology just like I do with Greek, Roman, Norse, Celtic mythologies?
Why should I put your Jewish mythology, I’m not Jewish, over my own British Celtic Saxon Viking mythologies?
Why are you not regarding these Christian and Jewish mythologies as mythology?
Why have you given them precedence over your own closer to home mythologies?
Why not support your own local team?
Are you Jewish?
Do you regard Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse mythology as that, mythology?
Is Islam a load of mythology?
If not, why aren’t you a muslim?
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
23 March, 2018 at 8:43 am #1090503You are ONLY a Christian today due to a few very fortunate historical events. Had any of those events gone a different way, you’d not be a Christian today. . If you were born 2,000 years ago in Britain, you wouldn’t be a Christian, maybe as little as a 1,000. You are ONLY a Christian today because of dubious and corrupt decisions of a handful of unsophisticated Saxon and Viking Kings (who were no Hawkin and Dawkins) taking massive bribes and incentives 1,000 – 1,500 years ago. It was all those bungs a thousand years ago to dodgy Anglo-Saxon and in particular Viking Kings that secured it for you.
I recognise this.
It’s a quotation from the new book by Morgan and Alfie Bollox (foreword by St Gerry the Gent). The book – ‘A New History of England – It’s All Bollox’ (£819 from selected booksellers) has a chapter called ‘F*ck It – How a Bollox Religion Came Here’ where the complexities of the Church’s dealings with Anglo-Saxon politics are startlingly revealed to be down to a couple of bungs, handed over in brown paper envelopes with a packet of Woodbine cigarettes. Messrs Bollox are historically sensitive enough to be aware that those were the days when you smoke cigarettes, before the e-cigarette came along (the e-cigarette smokes you).
The book has shattered all previous thinking about the history of our glorious land and is being greeted with advance praise as ‘startling’ (Prof Niall Ferguson) and “it shatters all previous thinking about the history of our glorious land’ (Prof Gerry, Merton scholar).
Unfortunately, the word is out that a rival is appearing on 3rd April with the immortal Philomena Cunk giving her inimitable account of Britain. Unlike Messrs Cox, she’ll be on television.
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23 March, 2018 at 8:57 am #1090505Faith, by its very definition, is “blind” Even Answers in Genesis states this.
Nem, I don’t think faith is blind at all. It’s very clear.
It’s faith in something which is very real.
I’ll discuss it with you if you wish but not here. I’d even discuss it with Mooosey if it’s a serious discussion, and explain to her what faith is. She has no need to accept it, and I would listen to what she has to say about it with patience and consideration. But not here. Rudeboy I’d discuss it with – he’s actually honest intellectually, from what I see. But not here.
Discuss something like faith in a place where a pair of mountebanks flood the discussion with the most shallow and unfunny kind of wit and slander?? as we approach Holy Week, when jokers like them all came around to the Cross to chortle and tease?? Right.
23 March, 2018 at 9:12 am #1090508 -
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