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7 September, 2022 at 11:03 am #1145685
Hey Linda, what about the 81+ MILLION VOTES that voted for BIDEN. People like you are brainwashed by the right wing media and the CUNT tRUMP into believing that just because he got a measely 74million that that gives him the right to win.
Hey Linda, your tan-boy LOST and he lost BIGLY by 6 MILLION VOTES. The boy tRUMP is the only ex president in history to tout his LOSING VOTES in his pathetic speeches because that’s what he is, a fucking LOSER.
Hey Linda, has it ever occurred to you why tRUMP doesn’t claim voter fraud in the states he won? He only claims fraud in the swing states he LOST because that’s the only way he could have won by claiming fraud everytime. Kids cry like that when they lose a game in the playground. ‘Booooo hoooooo…I want my mammyyyy!!’ He’s just a piece of sick shit who’s a bad loser and who think’s he’s above the law. And if I could say that to the remainder of the other 70 million, I think i might just invest my time doing so. But you know what? It’s not 70 million any more. It’s probably nearer 60, it might be as low as 50…..maybe 40 mill because unlike you and puds, a lot of people have woken up to the mistake they made in voting for the CUNT tRUMP.
He’s narcisstic, he’s an addicted LIAR, he’s a power hungry authoritarian and now he’s shown to completely disregard the top secrets of his country for the sake of profit and jeopardising the safety of YOUR America. He cares no more about Americans than he would a cockroach. He is absolutely a threat to your DEMOCRACY.
Those are the FACTS Linda, not some parallel universe that the aussie twat murdoch peddles to you. Once you accept the facts Linda then you can make your own conclusions about right and wrong.
7 September, 2022 at 11:21 am #1145686Your democracy Linda is the most powerful in the world and yet now, it is the most fragile. It was severely threatened on January 6th and but for the actions of honest men, your democracy would have fallen to the mob.
I’m not american, you’re right, but I know when a democracy is under attack and if your country falls prey to the violent right wing who are emboldened to be tRumps attack dog army then your country becomes a dictator state, elections become meaningless and Russia and China win. And there will be no going back.
Just ponder on who the real enemy is here Linda.
7 September, 2022 at 2:08 pm #1145687Ok i said this long ago and where ever scepitical is these days he checked me out. Found some errors for me and I went somewhere to get corrected.
Andy pandy i know political arena very well..I have walked in the steps along side many Senators. Congressman and know what behind scenes all about
He was never a politician, rather much more a business man. Yup he smart. Bold, don’t ass lick and shoots from hip. Not always pleasant. O know that well myself..fought with him many times and his teams on buildings so forth.
I have my issues with him as many did..but dam he spoke people listened..what mist dont know always tried to make things mutual and fair. Not always..but many times offered.
As President..he saved us some money and gave back too..we were strong under his leadership and leaders elsewhere scared of him. He was not weak as our present leadership is. No one perfect andy pandy, nor me, but better to learn and get some help..Obama helped me go back to college only because focus was for black people to be educated. As I am white, i fell into the bracket of income which helped me greatly in going to college. Books what a cost. I paid for those. Not for any credits. So I saved 90k bless the guy. However his plan for medical sucked. No doctors or hospitals wanted it. Less money. No Doctors as less money. Hard to find a Doctor to accept you or waited 3, 6 months.
So andy pandy say what u will and whom I may support. But unlike u when I want change I do it and get involved. Unlike u I dont whine and bash because of a say so, media crap so forth. I got over 6,000 votes and 2,000 signatures on petition for entry.
So stick in your hat and call it yankee doodle
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7 September, 2022 at 11:14 pm #1145691Wow Linda, you personally knew trump eh.
Can you do us a favour then? Give him a ring and ask him what he was planning to do with all those secret documents?
Pretty please?
8 September, 2022 at 2:40 am #1145692lololol trump businessman .Thats really funny linda.He couldnt be businessman to save him self .All his businesses so called gone under.Everything he touches runs at loss. That orange piece of fat larid only knownes how to nick stuff get away with it.Lately hes been judge shopping i see.Gee that judge better got paid up front lol.Or better still knowing orange larid lawyered up. Tell me linda what was that 2 billion dollars that jarred got for from trump other dictator mate saudi fella for?Known wonder trump loves dictator’s i bet he wishes he could be like them. And linda why is your orange heap lard wondering streets over there not in jump suite after nicking those top secret files if it was you or any one else over there they be whipped away into orange jump suite awaiting trial why isnt he?.I guess it helps to paye up front for a judge until trump decides to throw her under a bus like all the rest that run up against him. Have nice day.
8 September, 2022 at 12:58 pm #1145695Oh boys hope you having fun.
Andy again..Hilary had tons of materials found on her email servers. Oops erased..Biden son’s laptop had much evidence including his own Father involvement with businessess in China..still under investigation. Obama too so who cares as long as the Trump did not physically kill someone with own hands, you two dragons can keep blowing fire.
Kiwi u know nothing about business or ever owned one. You know nothing of investment. Reinvestment, stock markets, lenders, nothing..if u did perhaps u be living in a fine posh establishment.
You can close business down here under Chapter 11, pay $1.00, open up another company. New name, new products, new investors. Lovely smart game many people do who know how and rebuild and establish. Not just Trump darling.
.Btw..fall/autumn upon us soon I wear orange and rust colors often for change if season.
8 September, 2022 at 2:07 pm #1145696Linda, I think you’re going deaf…so I’ll ask again seeing as you’re besties with your loverboy.
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8 September, 2022 at 3:59 pm #1145698Linda, to address your incessant droning on about previous political investigations in your America, something which you do not seem to know much about, the results of those investigations were as follows:
Hilary’s emails: no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information
Hunnter Biden’s Laptop: No clear evidence
Obama: All documents handed over to the National Archive
Of course, all this occured when tRump’s fat arse was in the oval Office. He’s been moaning about these ever since just like you do BUT HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. WHY DIDN’T HE LOCK THEM UP? HE COULD HAVE INSTRUCTED HIS OWN DOJ TO FIND THEM GUILTY AND HE DIDN’T – BECAUSE THERE WAS NO FUCKING EVIDENCE. tRump even used the laptop saga in his ‘October surprise’ which did fuck all because he lost by 6 million votes.
So Linda, stop moaning about these past irrelevances and answer the fucking question.
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8 September, 2022 at 4:07 pm #1145701‘so who cares as long as the Trump did not physically kill someone with own hands’
So there we have it. Linda doesn’t care what tRump does unless he kills someone with his bare hands.
Actually I’m not even sure that you’d hold tRump to account even if he did strangle someone. I’m pretty sure all you tRumpers would rally round tan-boy and say that the victim deserved it.
As I’ve said before….you’re all beyond help.
8 September, 2022 at 4:25 pm #1145702lololol trump businessman .Thats really funny linda.He couldnt be businessman to save him self .All his businesses so called gone under.Everything he touches runs at loss. That orange piece of fat larid only knownes how to nick stuff get away with it.Lately hes been judge shopping i see.Gee that judge better got paid up front lol.Or better still knowing orange larid lawyered up. Tell me linda what was that 2 billion dollars that jarred got for from trump other dictator mate saudi fella for?Known wonder trump loves dictator’s i bet he wishes he could be like them. And linda why is your orange heap lard wondering streets over there not in jump suite after nicking those top secret files if it was you or any one else over there they be whipped away into orange jump suite awaiting trial why isnt he?.I guess it helps to paye up front for a judge until trump decides to throw her under a bus like all the rest that run up against him. Have nice day.
Kiwi why does American or British politics bother you so much?
You cant vote to change either so just sit back and chill until its time for you to vote in NZ.
Simples innit
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
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