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1 September, 2022 at 9:22 pm #1145607
Well puke Andy..Trump not my god..I am not ignorant and yes I was born.and raised here.
Frankly i give more a rats ass about those cold, hungry, sick, dying, unloved, unwanted, addiction, crime rates, lazy people who can do more with life, mental and disabled in our society, non sheltered folks, children education. And NO illegals of recent travel pushed over into our Country not going thru the other immigrants process did to stay here.
Frankly the waste of taxpayers money going thru these Court procedures, why criminals kill and come out of jail next day really a concern too..but hey ho why we pay high taxes. Pay all politicians salaries. Medical and college expenses for their children as well.
I dont hear any of this shit from any politician and hey this president spends more time in his holiday homes..worth millions then in the white house..answers 1 question if lucky only at press conference..cant read his notes in front of him. Gets muffled, and what about the Afghanistan screw up. Hey nice a president welcoming 13 dead soldiers home and looking at his watch all the time..AND he did not call all the families either..EVERY PRESIDENT CALLS DOES THAT. BIDEN DIDNT. NOR ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF IT MENTION IT PUBLICLY ON TELEVISION OF REMEMBERING THOSE..
So enjoy andypandy..suck it up..u and kiwi trump addicted lol so much more than I
Have a nice day!
1 September, 2022 at 10:21 pm #1145608Imagine if tRump’s arse was still sitting in the White House. Not one dollar of aid would have been given to Ukraine and russia would now be at the Polish border and threatening not to stop until they had reached Lisbon.
You know nothing, and your opinion is worth less than nothing. You don’t even know the facts here. Putin didn’t start positioning for an invasion of Ukraine until months AFTER Biden was safely installed in the White House. For the one year that he spent massing troops on the border with Ukraine, NO ONE DID ANYTHING TO STOP HIM. If Trump was in the White House today, Russian troops would only be in Russia. Putin invaded Crimea while OBAMA was president, during March to December 2014. However, Putin made NO moves while Trump was in office (despite the lunatic left’s claim that Trump was a Russian asset, AKA the Russian collusion hoax, which turned out to be a gigantic lie by the left). Once libtards were back in power, he knew he could invade Ukraine and no one would stop him, so he did.
Liberal leftism extends an warm invitation to anyone with balls to make their move, because you limpdick libtards have NO balls. This is why China is finally eyeing a move against Taiwan.
I know you won’t address these facts with any substance, because you only get your news from lesbian news outlets. I expect you will attempt a personal attack, as it requires no knowledge, just vitriol. *I palm your forehead while you wildly flay your spindly arms about*
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1 September, 2022 at 10:42 pm #1145609To puds lad and Linda,
Oh what joy. Yet again you bite the hook and I land you both like a flapping mackerel.
As I’ve said a million times, you both live in a country becoming more and more divisive. You dig your trenches deeper with your concrete partisan opinions.
I laugh at you both and the way you live in the past. When tRump finally gets his inevitable cum uppence and the Democrats win 2024 because Republicans have all joined the crazy crowd, your personal politics and opinions will be historical irrelevance. It’s so much fun watching the dagger go in millimetre by millimetre.
Excuse me. My rod tip is twitching again.
1 September, 2022 at 10:44 pm #1145610Puds and linda you get your news from fox news supporting the orange crim who got fined stealing charity money plus 2 impeachments plus trying to over throw bidden goverment this from so called law n order party not to mention the top secret files he nicked if it would been any one else with that shocking record they be in slammer months ago doing least 10 years seams theres one law for the orange fake tan fruit loop and another for rest of us.Fancey the republican party supporting a crim with tragic disgusting record like that. Will if trump gets charged with nicking those files and aiding abetting coupe so should the republican party trumpers who support him end up keeping the orange mess company in there orange jump : suites .The sooner the better the rest of us will be.
1 September, 2022 at 10:50 pm #1145611Somer the same could be said about you and trump and boris which dick would u lick?
2 September, 2022 at 12:54 am #1145614Excuse me. My rod tip is twitching again.
Did a dog just walk past you?
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2 September, 2022 at 9:15 am #1145615I don’t mind you attacking me Alfie but leave my mate Linda be is this the way you used to treat blossom?anymore of it I will come down to Islington and kick your head in now fck off
2 September, 2022 at 10:00 am #1145616Hey puds lad,
You make such incredible sport in here. While Linda is generally just a jumble of words and emotions, you my lad are a more considered contributor. I do admire you in that sense. Which makes my intention to dissect and and dissolve each and every one of your last points (well, maybe most) a little sad.
But hey ho…
You said ‘Biden did nothing to stop pootin’
Actually, he did a lot. At the Geneva meeting Biden told him face to face that he would be sanctioned to hell and he kept his word. Sanctions like the world has never seen and increasing. I’m thinking that you would want Biden to send American troops in Ukraine straight after withdrawing from a 20 year war with Afghanistan. Even your own republican leaders didn’t want that. You see, Biden had backed pootin into a corner. pootin’s demands to NATO in january were met with a mild ‘fuck off vladimir’. The former soviet states that had embraced democracy wanted to protect that new status with NATO membership while pootin saw NATO and democratic neighbours as an existential threat to his political doctrine. Of course, we all know that tRump wanted to disband NATO and in that he was playing straight into pootin’s hands. As Sun Tzu would say, why fight your enemy when he was destroying itself. Over time, pootin would then have been emboldened to take over each former soviet state on by one like he had done with parts of Georgia and Chechnya. Have a look for them on the map puds lad. pootin’s ruSSia would have got stronger and then the US would have TWO superpowers to contend with in a rather intimate alliance with gas and economy used as weapons against the west just as they are being used now.
Biden re-iterated his support for NATO so for pootin, it was now or never. Ukraine was getting stronger militarily and politically and vying for a position at the NATO table until receiving full membership. NATO would have effectively been a few hundred miles from the Kremlin. ‘Fuck it’ he thought. My generals and FSB are telling me that Ukraine will collapse’. Well he got that wrong didn’t he. The US are engaged in a war that will cause the downfall of it’s longest lasting enemy without a single american military life being lost. Even the boy tRump would call that ‘savvy’.
Next stop….China
Have a read of an article in Politico puds lad.
Opinion | Why Didn’t Putin Invade Under Trump? It Wasn’t Personal. – POLITICO
Politico do consider themselves non partisan by the way but you probably don’t believe anything that doesn’t come out of Hannity’s/murdoch’s mouth – but have a read anyway.
As to your other points….well…….yeah… seem to love the word ‘libtards’ a lot don’t you. It explains why you look so angry because you can never seem to get your way. Elections are fine as long as your right wing candidates win. If they don’t then the election must be rigged. So why is it that you never cry foul when your candidate wins? It’s all rather obvious and tiresome. Hey fancy that, Alaska electing a Democrat after 50 years of red. Even the country hick Palin didn’t get a look in. The wind of change eh puds lad?
One more thing puds lad, this document thing at tRump’s beach hut. Why do YOU think he had all those secret docs stashed in his locker. I’d really appreciate your take on it because even though he admitted he had them he’s never really explained WHY? So, on the basis that you have an opinion on everything why do YOU think he had them?
Take care.
P.S. tRump pulled out of the Paris Accord and Biden put the US straight back in. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when your grandkids are enduring 55c summers and you tell then you voted for a guy who history will show couldn’t give a fuck about climate change. I think they’d spit right in your eye.
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
2 September, 2022 at 10:53 am #1145619It’s too intelligent for me this all this political stuff so I’m leaving it I’m just happy doing me own threads so fck Andy on a brighter note Blackpool illuminations switch on tonight I normally go with my mate mardy but she can’t come today she’s hang on meant madamoiselle bastard phone but she died rip so I suppose it’s a good excuse innit
2 September, 2022 at 10:59 am #1145620Pats rodge on head.
‘There there…’
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by
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