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22 August, 2022 at 9:25 pm #1145517
Oh good – Linda’s still breathing I see
So Linda, and any tRumpers still out there. Listen up….
The CUNT tRump is just a CUNT in the same CUNT league as the CUNT PUTIN. I hope they both fucking rot in some rat infested cell one day and start to fuck each other’s arses.
What gets me is the STUPID yanks who are hypnotised by the CUNT tRump. You’re so deep in a barrel of fOX/newsmax shit, you can’t tell democracy from dictatorship.
Fucking wake up you stupid fucks!!! His fucking followers are accusing the FBI of planting documents. JESUS CHRIST……Your fucking country is going fucking NUTS !!!!! and every fucking tRumper is part of your fucking downfall.
22 August, 2022 at 11:35 pm #1145519Perhaps instead of attacking me linda uid be better to see your crim mate pays his taxes of 15 years according to trumps cfo officer that just got arrested. Looks like they moveing up the chain linda.Next be king hit of the orange man with fake tan.
24 August, 2022 at 7:10 pm #1145529So….it’s becoming crystal clear WHY the CUNT tRump had hundreds of classified documents at his Florida summer house.
He wanted to SELL the documents for MONEY.
Imagine that, ….. the tRumpers glory boy wanted to SELL classified documents to the highest bidder – he wanted to profit from selling his country’s secrets.
Listen up tRumpers. I will say this only once. This is what your fucking hero was going to do if he hasn’t done it already…..and he dare call himself the patriot of patriots.
Holy fucking mother,,,,,, if tRumpers still see their hero through rose tinted specs after this volcano of criminality, then YOU tRumpers are gonna DESTROY your fucking Home of the fucking BRAVE and land of the fucking FREE.
An unbelievable galactic crock of SHIT….and it’s all YOUR FUCKING FAULT.
1 September, 2022 at 9:55 am #1145598The boards seems to have regressed mostly into rodge talking shite….and I mean continuous stinking shite.
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1 September, 2022 at 11:21 am #1145599Yeh cheers Andy I love you to at least I try unlike these so called chat guides and kiwi they didn’t write a thread between them fckn tossers
1 September, 2022 at 11:23 am #1145600I did not type didn’t I said could not bastard phone
1 September, 2022 at 1:23 pm #1145601Umm kiwi I dont attack you..I attack ur constant attack on a xPresident u obsessed with. Well simply sick of the rubbish as all news stations reporting the raid in home and search was illegal and bias related.
You ever talk about Biden and his son’s lap top? Many Americans would have never voted for him as his ethical monetary values would have been an issue. The media squashed that ummm why?
You stuck on a orange suit..will never happen. Clinton will wear one first.
Biden has done nothing good for this Country or his Vice President..both have made this nation weak to the world. And sadly even his own party does see his dementia and weakness. Has Biden or harris opened tax files?
Give it a break. Your heart can not take this stress obviously.
1 September, 2022 at 1:28 pm #1145602ANDYPANDY
I dont mind opinions or ur comments.
1 September, 2022 at 3:05 pm #1145603Linda. If Trump was on Kiwis left side and Boris was on his right which one would he attack 1st? He would be like a dog with two dicks not knowing which one to lick 1st
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1 September, 2022 at 4:23 pm #1145604Linda,
It seems to me that you will defend tRump and attack Biden until your dust starts to fertilize the roses. I can argue a point in the Queen’s english as good as the next man but my use of the expletive was to shock you into replying: and so you did. You replied in spades. Merci, mon amie.
You see my dear, you seem blind to the glaringly obvious about what is happening in your country. It is ONLY the extreme right wing media like fox and newsmax who are portraying the visit by the the FBI to tRump’s beach hut as illegal! So Linda, NO, it’s not correct that ‘all’ stations are portraying the visit as illegal’. The FBI went through all the proper channels to obtain a search warrant. They do that thousands of times a year. I think they know the process by now don’t you think? And they did it because they suspected MORE secret documents were being stashed by tRump for his own nefarious reasons. No-one is above the law Linda, not even ex-presidents. So, what do the extreme right wing media say? They say the documents were planted there and the FBI should be defunded. Holy Mother. Give me strength. And now the country hick Palin loses and of course it was down to election fraud.
Jesus Christ Linda, are you so ignorant to ignore what is happening here? Your mind is so warped by tRumpism, he really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you’d come up with a reason to defend him no matter what.
Linda, your news world only consists of right wing media. You are immersed in a cosmos of mal-information. There is only one filth that is of importance here and that is the filth peddled by the little aussie twat murdoch whose mission in life is to make as much money as possible by undermining democracy and people like yourself fall perfectly into his sphere of influence. tRump doesn’t pull any strings anymore – murdoch is and always has been the puppeteer and his boy donald is squeaking like a seaside Punch ( That’ll be Punch and Judy if you know anything about British sea-side tradition). Once murdoch realises that squeaking donald is yesterday’s news, he’ll cut the strings and the tan-man will be a small pile of deadwood. In my opinion, your country needs a serious injection of unbiased media so your population can make logical decisions based on facts about your politics but that is as likely to happen as the dissolution of your 2nd Amendment. You should be fighting to get murdoch out of your country. Imagine that Linda, a little aussie twat defines everything you think and believe about American politics.
Linda, let me put it you simply. YOU and your fellow tRump acolytes are the reason why your country is so divided because you believe all this horse-shit. Your ‘whataboutism’ is boring beyond belief. You use any way to defend your devil incarnate.
nah….no amount of logical argument will wake you up from your idolatry and I’ve just wasted the last 10 minutes in trying. You’re in this stupour for the rest of your life.
I really do feel very very sorry for you and your gullibleness. I do wish you had a few decent candidates for your next President like I wish we had a better choice than Truss or Sunak over here in the UK but money determines your political options Linda. It always has and it always will and that results in America rarely getting a leader of substance and honour that it deserves.
There is a war in Ukraine. The murdering power-hungry cunt pootin bargained on the entire west and especially the EU not responding. Oh, but they have and with a vegeance. All your military manufacturers are queueing up to have their latest toys battle-tested at the expense of innocent Ukrainian civilians and children but making american jobs in that sector soar like they haven’t done for years. Of course NATO cannot attack russians and risk WW3 but they are arming the Ukrainians to the hilt with the latest battlefield technology.
Imagine if tRump’s arse was still sitting in the White House. Not one dollar of aid would have been given to Ukraine and russia would now be at the Polish border and threatening not to stop until they had reached Lisbon. Instead, the US has donated $13 billion to date, the biggest by far than any other country and likely to be much more more in the future. The US is leading the fight against the terrorist state russia and avoiding WW3 in favour of a proxy war. For America, It’s a dream scenario! Imagine that Linda, Biden will defeat their arch enemy russia without losing a single official american soldier. tRump however would still be negotiating for more dirt on his political opponents while Europe burnt, because let’s not forget – AMERICA FIRST!
Your false god is a conman Linda, he’s conned you and millions of americans like you.
It makes me feel sick, I just wanna puke.
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