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20 July, 2018 at 9:39 am #1100954
Btw youold ghoul, I am well supported on this site. Especially when it comes to you and the people who no longer post, specifically because of you.
20 July, 2018 at 10:56 am #1100957You think everybody in jc aplogises and covers up for the Nazi killer of Jo Cox?
As I say, only mooosey liked your post on p.29, and I am sure that is because she didn’t read it carefully enough.
Whatever you think of her, she doesn’t strike me as anything even remotely near a Nazi sympathiser.
Why did she like the post though??
20 July, 2018 at 10:57 am #1100958a new ear, that’s funny.
Do you know what a deaf person suffers, mooosey? I know you’re involved in hospitals, whihc are notorious with regard to deafness (I’m speaking from hard experience).
Typical lol.
You try and make me look stupid by suggesting I don’t know who Jo Cox was because of a simple typing error, after I’d bothered to find the thread for you and Ge, then, when I pull you up on it by pointing out your simple typing error which made me smile at the time it was written, ( a new ear instead of a new era) you then suggest I am mocking deaf people and am somehow responsible for any problems you have had dealing with the NHS !! I mean that is low isn’t it lol, Low and wormy. I’ve also notice you drop out snippets of info here and there about my family, were I work etc. Nothing major, just little droplets of info. You love to tell us all about what you’ve done, stories from yesteryear , when I was a lad…. When I met ( insert famous name ), When I worked here, there, anywhere, When I refused to tow the party line and got beaten up for it….. well you may love you tell us all about you but I would rather you didn’t slyly let slip info about me on a public message board please.
Oh and as you seem to be obsessed with counting ‘likes’, I have also liked posts by Drac and Rude, and it seems a bit hypocritical to tell Ge that he is getting no support as only I liked 1 of his posts ( and I’m too dim to understand and mustn’t have read it correctly lol, not at all patronising and condescending, oh wait that rings a bell…..) have you noticed the overwhelming support you are getting ? No likes at all !!
It’s ok for you to mock people ( as you tried to with me ) but you don’t like it done to you. You totally misquoted me on one post and went off on a tangent, I pointed it out to you and you ignored me, although Linda had the decency to apologise, and then having not responded you take the earliest opportunity to try and make me look like a moron for typing Joe instead of Jo.
True colours always come out and in my opinion you are an angry, bitter and spiteful little man who can’t abide people not realising your true genius ! It infuriates you.
Said my piece I shall no longer be responding to you.
20 July, 2018 at 11:08 am #1100960For clarification-
I have not posted about the Tragic and Brutal murder of Jo Cox because, although I was horrified at the time, still am, I did not follow the events leading up to the conviction of her killer closely. Ge and Sceptical seemed to have a lot of knowledge about it. I tend not to post on matters that I’m not clued up on. The reason I liked Gerry’s post may well be a little misleading, but I do know of many people who have been convicted of crimes and treated totally inappropriately because they should have been given help not just slung away in a jail, as their mental health issues were either not recognised or ignored. Bringing mental health issues to the forefront will always get my approval. It had nothing to do with Nazism or anything else.
1 member liked this post.
20 July, 2018 at 11:08 am #1100961Lol. I am going to stop posting on his threads, The man a ghoul, a fecking idiot who is so wrapped up in his own bubble that he is now over analyzing likes on other peoples posts and constantly misquoting and twisting what other chatters type to get a reaction so he can wield his big stick because he assumes the boards are his own personal blog. He suffocates the boards and my negativity in response also contributes.
Let him have his own personal JC blog where he can mock and deride other chatters but the truth of the matter is, in academia he is a pipsqueak and the sh*te he types on here wouldn’t cut the muster in those circles.
You carry on.
20 July, 2018 at 11:40 am #1100962Oh and one last comment *smiley face*.
Had I written a 3,000 word essay at Ruskin College in Oxford regarding the murder of Jo Cox and her murderer Thomas Mair and which for those who don’t know, is a LEFT wing college with strong links to the global union movement etc, if I had written EXACTLY what I wrote on here, presented exactly the SAME evidence and lets name thats essay “MSM, propogandas and the liberal middle class”, then that essay would have been approved, NOT censored and passed with FLYING colours. At colleges such as Ruskin the first thing they state is DON’T buy into the lies and misinformation, the establishment peddle for POLITICAL reasons.
All that appears to glitter, isn’t nessessarily gold…
20 July, 2018 at 11:54 pm #1100976Oh and one last comment *smiley face*.
Had I written a 3,000 word essay at Ruskin College in Oxford regarding the murder of Jo Cox and her murderer Thomas Mair and which for those who don’t know, is a LEFT wing college with strong links to the global union movement etc, if I had written EXACTLY what I wrote on here, presented exactly the SAME evidence and lets name thats essay “MSM, propogandas and the liberal middle class”, then that essay would have been approved, NOT censored and passed with FLYING colours.
What in hell are you blathering on about?
I’m not looking for an academic essay, and certainly not a massive amount of insult, abuse masquerading as an argument.
You can insult and make up lies to the best of your ability. I’ve been here a long time, as long as mooosey or most of the others, and I’ve seen the nasty lies people make up here.
Ignoring me suits me just fine. I can monologue as well as mister q, and not give a fig, especially for the shameful apologist for the Nazi who murdered Jo Cox.
21 July, 2018 at 12:09 am #1100977I have not posted about the Tragic and Brutal murder of Jo Cox because, although I was horrified at the time, still am, I did not follow the events leading up to the conviction of her killer closely. Ge and Sceptical seemed to have a lot of knowledge about it. I tend not to post on matters that I’m not clued up on. The reason I liked Gerry’s post may well be a little misleading, but I do know of many people who have been convicted of crimes and treated totally inappropriately because they should have been given help not just slung away in a jail, as their mental health issues were either not recognised or ignored. Bringing mental health issues to the forefront will always get my approval. It had nothing to do with Nazism or anything else.
As I said, you were careless in liking Gerry’s post.
You thought it was mental health, when in fact it was because Thomas Mair was a Nazi. As you said, you were misled because of your concern for mental health. Nobody’s accusing you of anything.
I’m at least as concerned with mental health as you are. I worked with terminally ill children with horrific mental health problems. People very close to me have suffered terrible mental health problems, and I had to handle them.
The psychiatric report, the revelation of Mair’s Nazi past, the manual he bought on how to make a gun (note Gerry’s point on this!), and his hatred of Jo Cox for her anti-Brexit campaign led him to murder her. His mental condition was not the reason for the murder; the psychiatrist judged him not to have diminished responsibility.
Nobody expected you to post on this, but You can follow the arguments presented on both sides in this thread..
I’ve seen you do meticulous research on Alfie’s graphs and you did hard research to find the thread on Jo Cox two years ago. You can do the work and the thinking when you want to – when you want to. All you needed to do was to read my original post and the Guardian link.
We all have a care for the mentally ill, a huge proportion of the country suffers it on one way or another, including child murderers. Some crimes – such as the Soham murders or the brutal murder of little Sarah Payne – mean that the concern we have for the mental problems of the killers are outweighed by the horror of the crime. Nobody can bring back their mother to Jo Cox’s two small children.
As Max Scott, the lawyer who noted some legal points on the conduct of the trial because of Mair’s refusal to cooperate (some of those points are answered in the Guardian link), concluded – “the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison must be a terrible thing but this was a terrible crime and there will be very few, outside the neo-Nazi community, that will feel sorry for him . Jo Cox’s family will have at least the small consolation that justice has been done to her killer.”
Very few, outside the neo-Nazi community.
21 July, 2018 at 1:28 am #1100978The mental health tag is used far too often to condone or mitigate actions so I’d like someone to define what constitutes ” mental illness” and assuming illness implies health what constitutes being “mentally healthy “. I have said numerous times that many on this board and site fit the criteria of being what could be construed as “mentally ill” – on the lower end of the scale we have Mister Q rolling around laughing to himself like the joker from batman clearly suffering some kind of illness and then we have killers of Jo Cox.
People are accountable for their actions , Brady and Hindley were “mentally ill” but it doesn’t detract from their evil actions nor should be used to lessen any repercussions from a legal perspective. The killer of Jo Cox doesn’t represent the far right as the percentage of people committing an atrocity like that would be too miniscule to reflect any kind of political leaning. If I was pro animal rights and blew the head off a fox hunter with a sawn off shotgun, it wouldn’t be indicative of my animals rights status.
21 July, 2018 at 2:01 am #1100979Incidentally , intelligence and “diminished responsibility is irrelevant in determining mental illness. Some of the most prolific serial killers in human history have passed the threshold of what is deemed to be ” responsible” but no one will convince me that men who rape, torture and kill on a whim are not suffering a mental impairment of some kind regardless of what a psychiatrist says with a little clipboard.
Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer and sex offender who raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He also committed necrophilia and ate parts of his later victims, dismembering and cooking parts of their bodies in saucepans. At his trial a psychiatrist declared him sane so was sent to prison contrary to a mental health establishment .. if that’s sane I’m little red riding hood
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