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18 July, 2018 at 3:27 pm #1100828
Whos to say obamas short visit here with the tell you what to do vote or else didn’t sway any floating voters?
The Clinton fbi scandal certainly did in the us I reckon.
Last post on politics il stick to football and curryhouses.
18 July, 2018 at 3:31 pm #1100829Whos to say obamas short visit here with the tell you what to do vote or else didn’t sway any floating voters?
The Clinton fbi scandal certainly did in the us I reckon.
Last post on politics il stick to football and curryhouses.
But you are right though, including what he said regarding Brexit. Thus far Trumps record regarding his time in Office matches and exceeds Obama, including no new wars in the Middle East.
18 July, 2018 at 4:24 pm #1100839Trump thinks he’s the master deal maker, but he’s been played.
In one breathe he types this.
you can make guesses; they can be lucky. but I threw my crystal ball away as a teenager when I avidly followed the US election of 1968
In the next this. A complete messs of contradiction. Septic rubs his crystal ball and he has vision mannnnnnnnnn, anyone else and a long winded essay why they are wrong followed by name dropping an author who is totally irrelevant.
Is anyone able to make sense of Gerry’s comment??
Are they able to explain it?
18 July, 2018 at 4:50 pm #1100846Without going into Gerry’s Fantasy Island about Trump
In what way is Gerry at all left-wing?
Jeremy Corbyn, (Gerry voted for him twice) spoke at the anti-Trump demonstration.
In fact I have never known anyone who is remotely left-wing supporting Trump.
Rudeboy is honest about his politics. Gerry is not honest, or is deeply confused, or both.
I am further to the left than you will ever be, Mr Progressive…
Lastly you said the same thing about the man who murdered Jo Cox, you immediately branded him a Brexiter and “alt right”, as it turned out he was mentally ill and nothing of the sort.
Does anyone who is not a neo-Nazi hold to this still???
Thomas Mair, a man with links to neo-Nazi groups, and a man who was also suffering problems of depression, murdered Jo Cox during the heat of the referendum campaign, shouting Britain First.
He was convicted of her murder (and the stabbing of a constituent who came to her aid), and was sentenced to a whole-life tariff – which is about as bad as you can get.
He had not killed her from depression, he had killed her because he was an isolated Nazi
MIND and other mental health groups didn’t challenge this. Brexiteers didn’t challenge this.
Other killers, who murder from their problems with mental health, are living in Broadmoor.
Mair is serving a full life-sentence in prison. He was put in London’ Belmarsh prison, in teh same wing as the people who butchered the soldier, Lee Rigby. They didn’t kill Rigby because they had mental health problems, though they probably have them now – they killed him because they were radical, extremist Muslims.
Gerry is the only one who stands up for him (I won’t mention the nasty way he acted during the thread of the murder, which frankly annoyed brexiteers as out of order).as innocent on the grounds of diminished mental health, and singles me out as alone trying to pin the murder on brexiteers.
Nobody else does this (though a neo-nazi group did applaud Mair for the killling; they are now on trial for, among other things, plotting to murder another Labour MP).
Everybody blames Mair for the murder; everyone points to his mental health problems (depression) as irrelevant to the killing.
Only Gerry stand out against this. If he can find any other individual who does in the post-verdict, that would be interesting. There are other strange people in the world, Gerry’s not the only on,e so I can’t rule it out totally.
Gerry says he’s really way-out to the Left. He’s full of bluster. When challenged, he tries to bury the argument beneath a hail of abuse and genuinely strange logic.
In what way are you at all left-wing, Gerry?
In what way?
18 July, 2018 at 7:35 pm #1100865Slipperys version of reality. In his 4,000 word essay that attempts to portray him as “academic” and considered. Obviously total bull, as usual. Airbrushed to suit his personal agenda on these boards. Slippery is now also attempitingto suggest the “alt right” and the far right are one and the same and by his own definition he contradicts himself.
Obviously he has issues with memory recall because he can’t recall the original thread he started. In the original thread he started, he stated Jo Cox was murdered because of her Remain stance and that the man responsible murdered her because of her Remain stance, as it turned out it was absolutely nothing to do with the referendum other than when the acttack occurred, that was my point then and is my point now. Then Slippery and he is oily and slippery, proceeded to tar all out voters including JC chatters, as right wing xenophobic and racist and shoehorned it into the death of Jo Cox with an emotive (bullshit) plea that that was what “he” was fighting.
A sleazy man who has no qualms whatsoever using the death of a labour MP to further his own agenda on these boards and it was stated at the time by other chatters other than me.
Gerry is the only one who stands up for him (I won’t mention the nasty way he acted during the thread of the murder, which frankly annoyed brexiteers as out of order).as innocent on the grounds of diminished mental health, and singles me out as alone trying to pin the murder on brexiteers.
More bullshit from Slippery, quite a few people challenged his emotive bullshit at the time.
Post the link to the exact topic Slippery it will be on your post history and we can all then read the entire diolgue in context, your personal word isn’t worth diddly squat.
18 July, 2018 at 8:01 pm #1100867Trump thinks he’s the master deal maker, but he’s been played.
In one breathe he types this.
you can make guesses; they can be lucky. but I threw my crystal ball away as a teenager when I avidly followed the US election of 1968
In the next this. A complete messs of contradiction. Septic rubs his crystal ball and he has vision mannnnnnnnnn, anyone else and a long winded essay why they are wrong followed by name dropping an author who is totally irrelevant.
Is anyone able to make sense of Gerry’s comment??
Are they able to explain it?
I’ll explain it for you Slippery, next time ask you ignorant pig, stop trying to constantly drag other chatters into your bullshit.
In one breathe you mock people for “guessing” in yet another pious patronizing lecture ( the 389485834727267347576th) and in the next breathe GUESS that Trump has been played.
Is that clear enough for you?
18 July, 2018 at 8:25 pm #1100869Slipperys version of reality. In his 4,000 word essay that attempts to portray him as “academic” and considered. Obviously total bull, as usual.
Post the link to the exact topic Slippery it will be on your post history and we can all then read the entire diolgue in context, your personal word isn’t worth diddly squat.
I’m not going to let you squeeze out of this with shouting about liar and slippery covering up an apology for murder.
You are the liar here, you the slippery one.
My post was 465 words, not 4000 words.
It will take up to two hours to find that link – it was two years old. You know how long it takes to find a thread from 3 months ago. That’s why you call for it to be checked, without bothering to find the link yourself. It covers your politics.
Typical Trump tactics – get caught out and start throwing round ‘fake news’ and liar’ and personal abuse.
What you claim is not true. Definitively.
no need to go back two years. Just look at the evidence above. It doesn’t take long to read 465 words, none of them technical.
You’re the slippery liar, Gerry.
Just answer – only neo-Nazis excuse the killer of Jo Cox. You claim to be Left, yet you excuse his murder as down to mental illness.
Nobody else does this.
Stop squirming and answer.
You’re dishonest about your politics, and you’re going to continue to get increasingly abusive as you come under pressure – and you will.
Does anybody else support Gerry on this killing? Even in the parallel universe of jc.
Just say, bring it out., and then Gerry can claim that he’s not the only one with some credibility.
18 July, 2018 at 8:33 pm #1100870I am not trying to squeeze out of anything, you slippery old crook. Put the link up, or shut up. You are an ignorant man. You immediately place people in boxes and label them, because you are an ignorant man.
Then secondly, lets examine the trigger that set you off this time. Moose admonished you for mentioning my name constantly. You then proceeded to do it even more freuently, this isn’t even about me or my views, it is about your prehistoric views regarding women and saving JC face. That is the truth of it.
18 July, 2018 at 8:49 pm #1100871Just answer – only neo-Nazis excuse the killer of Jo Cox. You claim to be Left, yet you excuse his murder as down to mental illness. Nobody else does this.
That just isn’t true, you slippery old crook. You immedately said her death was related to the referendum and right wing extremism and before the man had even been taken to court and convicted and you also alluded that ALL brexiters were xenophobic right wing extremists. Meanwhile in the real world, I and other chatters challenged you, with mental illness being one because the media printed that and which I stand by. I have never excused her death, you slippery old crook, those are your words not mine.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
18 July, 2018 at 11:02 pm #1100891The Joe Cox thread is on page 30 of Forum 3 boards if anyone wants to re-read it.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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