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  • #1100707

    Thankyou Linda, I appreciate your honesty x


    Gerry now finds out that Steven Hedley is not a random individual, but a supporter of Brexit. This seems to prove what a liar and scoundrel I am etc etc etc.

    So what if he’s Brexit?

    Of course, he’s a supporter of Brexit. He’s a leading official of the RMT.

    The Morning Star which I used is also fiercely Brexit. It has a national-socialist politics which is very close to Corbyn’s own.

    The RMT has been running candidates in general elections before the referendum on an anti-EU platform. That was the irony of him being attacked, but it really wasn’t worth mentioning as this has nothing to do with Brexit.

    The issue about the assault on Hedley is about fascists attacking isolated individuals. The individual may be pro- or anti-Brexit, a saint or a scoundrel. That’s not the point.

    Don’t let yourself get isolated. He disobeyed that, and went to the Westminster Arms. drinking with one friend.

    Asking to be beaten up?

    Odd. Most of us don’t ask to be beaten up by fascists after an anti-fascist meeting.

    I would have thought it was just ignorance, and stupidity in not getting out of the area as quick as hell.

    Gerry seems to know that he was looking for trouble, him and his mate (I don’t believe his mate was touched). You making things up again, Gerry?

    a left-winger, as you claim to be (!), would have grasped what I was talking about immediately, and would have recognised the need to defend individuals against fascist attack, instead of claiming that it’s all made up and he was a random figure who got attacked, with the poor fascists being the fall guys.

    You’re not left-wing. I’ve yet to see anything you write which is left-wing. You sound more like a Trump epigone, defending his policy of trade wars and using alt.Right lies about the separation of children in detention centres being the fault of Obama.

    You’re not left-wing. Rudeboy is relatively honest about his politics; you’re not.

    Hedley is left-wing; where’s your evidence that he went looking for trouble with a mate? You haven’t got any; you thought he was just a random individual. Now he’s looking for trouble. You apologist for Fascism, where’s your evidence for that?



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by  sceptical guy.

    Im mentioning sterling in negative terms because he is shit Ge , and he is a person of African descent living in or coming from the Caribbean. Has the off license had too much special offer cider tonight as describing someborn born in Jamaica as Afro-Caribbean is now racist is it?

    Go to bed Ge , sober up and go back to bullying old men/ women. Luckily for you , you can rant away on here safe behind your computer as we both know how it would work out for you in the real world- still no pm u cowardly fanny.

    tara cider boy , enjoy the nightshift ranting on here

    I steer the conversation Dan,

    :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

    You can barely steer your mobility scooter to the off license ge without  your guide dogs/ huskies  pulling it there – do you have to set off a bit earlier now the lead puller has croaked?



    Gerry now finds out that Steven Hedley is not a random individual, but a supporter of Brexit. This seems to prove what a liar and scoundrel I am etc etc etc.

    You’ve never heard of Hedley Slippery as I stated but even so, lets give the audience a taste of the man though, that you defend so stoutly. An old fashioned man from a bygone era, in a powerful position. Yes, not just a ‘random individual’, a man who used his lofty position within the RMT to smear his abused ex partner and escape justice. It is a common theme in domestic violence cases in the UK, even today, where men like Hedley walk away scott free and men like you laud them as working class hero’s.

    Steve Hedley was not cleared of domestic violence and still has a case to answer according to the RMT rep representing his former partner in her complaint of physical, emotional and verbal abuse.

    Here is what Andy Littlechild statess regarding the pub incident.

    A group of fascists just violently attacked a group of 30 RMT union members in a pub in London, putting some in the hospital. Steve Hedley was one of those injured

    Littlejohn also says for balance, which is an alien concept for you.

    The attack was purely because the workers were union members and anti-racists. Fascists and the alt right are usually vehement defenders of men accused of domestic and sexual violence.

    Your made up version where a lone man and one friend share an innocent drink (in a well known right wing pub) looks even more ridiculous now doesn’t it Slippery and I am quite happy to stand by my original claim. Had 40 men attacked 2 men, according to your rose tinted version, then those 2 men would probably now be dead. Hedley looked for trouble with his 30 blackshirts and found trouble and then bleated about it when he got a little cut on his head from flying glass and then the MSM printed en masse what union spin doctors told them to print.

    You’re not left-wing. I’ve yet to see anything you write which is left-wing. You sound more like a Trump epigone, defending his policy of trade wars and using alt.Right lies about the separation of children in detention centres being the fault of Obama. You’re not left-wing. Rudeboy is relatively honest about his politics; you’re not.

    I don’t give a toss what you think I am politically, personally, or anything else for that matter Slippery. I realize you think the JC boards are your own personal blog and here for your benefit and your benefit only and that you patrol the blog like a dog marking its territory, waving your big stick from your lofty santimonious pulpit and punishing sinners when you deem it nessessary.

    Every single time you tell lies and spread them on this forum, I am going to challenge you. Until I get bored, or am removed myself.











    You can barely steer your mobility scooter to the off license ge without your guide dogs/ huskies pulling it there – do you have to set off a bit earlier now the lead puller has croaked?

    Is that it Dan, is that the best you can muster. I really do have no idea why you keep coming back to a site that has banned all your IDs. You’re a middle aged man Dan and you keep getting banned from internet chatsites….




    You can barely steer your mobility scooter to the off license ge without your guide dogs/ huskies pulling it there – do you have to set off a bit earlier now the lead puller has croaked?

    Is that it Dan, is that the best you can muster. I really do have no idea why you keep coming back to a site that has banned all your IDs. You’re a middle aged man Dan and you keep getting banned from internet chatsites….


    I’m younger than you however Ge….. hows the dog btw ?

    Incidentally if I was ” banned” how am I typing on here,  happy hour started early has it with more drunken ramblings?



    I’m younger than you however Ge….. hows the dog btw ? Incidentally if I was ” banned” how am I typing on here, happy hour started early has it with more drunken ramblings?

    Banned from all the rooms aintcha Dan, I bet you wear it like a badge of honour, dontcha Dan, banned for racism… aged 44 years old.

    I realize you are desperate for someone human to chat to, maybe Slippery will indulge you, I am certainly not going to.


    Laters Dan!


    :yahoo: :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:






    Hows the dog Ge?





    Hows the dog Ge?



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