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    Steve Hedley, after being attacked

    Steve Hedley, senior assistant general secretary of the RMT, was assaulted by supporters of the US president and Robinson, according to anti-fascism campaigners Hope Not Hate



    Steve was in the Westminster Arms having a drink with a mate when a group of them burst in, traditional stormtrooper tactics. Mr Hedley is pictured with a bandaged head and bloodied face

    Yet more fake news and propoganda and identity politics from slippery, there is no evidence whatsoever that the attackers attended the Tommy Robinson march, or were “alt right”. Apparently not only did they know what this man looked like, they also knew what pub he was drinking in and what time, has the whiff of the secret services all over it. Hilariously quoted from the Sun, which is a rag slippery sneers at usually.





    Post an emotive pic with of a random man with a bloodied face and immediately make false accusations. It is fascists like slippery who convict without trial while oozing their misinformation spreading their propoganda and vile identity politics and it is fascists like slippery that are the REAL threat to democracy.





    I stopped entering into meaningful debate on here as there simply aren’t enough bright people to engage with..

    That makes you sound just like him Dan, when he claims Brexiters are all ignorant uneducated xenophobic racist bigots. Perhaps only you intelligent people should debate these issues and discount anyone else who isn’t up to your lofty standards.

    Just saying.


    The only thing appearing on these boards are cheap jibes , avoidance of questions asked and regurgitated hash so stand by my comments.


    I stopped entering into meaningful debate on here as there simply aren’t enough bright people to engage with.. what can anyone say to scepticals point of Obama is better than trump because he locks up children and adults but at least the cells are close by.

    er, i didn’t say Obama was better than Trump when it comes to the conditions in which people are detained.

    I did say that you were peddling alt.Right propaganda which amounted to spreading lies, and I demonstrated it in detail. This seems to have been unintentional. You accepted the lies at face value.

    And I do say that you’re not man enough to admit that.

    if you are as opposed to Saudi Arabia as you claim, then you would oppose the chief supporter of Saudi Arabia in its proxy wars with Iran, especially the cruel war in the Yemen which has created a humanitarian catastrophe. A demonstration against Trump is a demonstration against Saudi Arabia.

    You ever been on anti-fascist demonstrations?

    so you didn’t attend any protest march when the Saudi royal family arrived then …. I’m still waiting for a response to my original question, what do you hope to achieve blowing whistles / banging pans etc in the streets of the UK over an American president that couldn’t care less not even there to see it?


    The pro-Trump/Tommy Robinson march was pathetic – a couple opf thousand – compared to the huge demonstration – up to 250,000 – against Trump.

    But they can still make their presence felt.

    Tommy Robinson march – RMT union boss left bloodied amid clashes between Robinson supporters and anti-fascist protesters

    <iframe class=”wp-embedded-content” title=”“Tommy Robinson march – RMT union boss left bloodied amid clashes between Robinson supporters and anti-fascist protesters” — The Sun” src=”” width=”600″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” sandbox=”allow-scripts” data-mce-fragment=”1″ data-secret=”EliDr37OKc”></iframe>

    This link shows Steve Hedley, a prominent trade unionist, senior assistant geneeral Secretary of the RMT (railway union).

    He had been speaking at the anti-fascist demo organised to counter the pro-Trumper/Tommy Robinson bunch.

    One of the things that was learned very early on in ani-fascist marches is to get out of the area quick, and Steve either didn’t know about it or forgot about it.

    Fascists in this country (and others) have always fanned out looking for isolated individuals to beat to a pulp. In the past, people were warned to stick together in groups and clear the hell out.

    Steve was in the Westminster Arms having a drink with a mate when a group of them burst in, traditional stormtrooper tactics.

     Mr Hedley is pictured with a bandaged head and bloodied face

    Let these pictures serve a a warning. go to anti-fascist marches, and expect them to attack you if you get isolated afterwards.

    Why are you obsessing over numbers on a march? The only numbers you need to concern yourself with are there were enough numbers to get trump into office and vote for Brexit. What you think posting isolated pictures  up of people attacked by groups you don’t support will achieve, I’ve no idea.

    Why dont you  invite your peaceful anti trump friends around for afternoon tea scep?



    The fact you are attempting to portray all Trump supporters as violent thugs contrary to mild mannered liberal sorts such as yourself sceptical , shows a level of ignorance beyond belief, indicative of a fairly limited brain needing to pigeon hole people into a category. Infact it’s symptomatic of a mindset like racism something you claim to be so vehemently against where you tar all with the same brush dripping in ignorance unable to differentiate one person from the next due to one common denominator which in this instance is ” pro or anti trump” but could well be colour or creed.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by  rudeboy.

    Well, well, well,

    our experts in fake news, Gerry and Rudey,  screaming fake news all over the thread when a beaten man is shown.

    How appropriate to a Trump thread. Trumpland, where fake news is shouted whenever something bad is shown.

    It’s not a  random individual, as Gerry screams out in anger.

    It’s Steve Hadley, a senior official in the RMT rail union.

    It wasn’t just the Sun. The news was carried on several papers, including the Evening Standard. The picture from The Sun wouldn’t take so I pasted it from another newspaper.

    Steve was daft enough to go to the Westminster Arms, a pub which happens to be frequented by fascists, where he was attacked by a large group of men. Something tells me that they aren’t CND or LGBT supporters. he had been a leading speaker in the anti-fascist demonstration called against the pro-Trump/Tommy Robinson marchers earlier that afternoon. There are pictures of him speaking.

    He was daft enough not to heed the calls always issued at anti-fascist demonstrations. Don’t get isolated. Keep in groups and get the hell out. The fascists hang around, look out for isolated people with placards and jump them. These are well-tried fascist tactics

    The main point of my posting it on the trump thread is that it took place after the pro-Trump march, and that anyone who feels idealistic enough to go to these things must take care. These people are dangerous, and revel in physical violence. They then shout fake news whenever exposed.



    The pro-Trump/Tommy Robinson march was pathetic – a couple opf thousand – compared to the huge demonstration – up to 250,000 – against Trump.

    Fake news, Scep.

    The only reliable estimates I have seen up the upper limit as about 20,000 attending the anti-Trump protest in London.



    Déjà vu.


    You can’t discuss Brexit, or Trump come to that, rationally with slippery. Not once has he argued the case for staying in the EU by presenting both a detailed political and an economic argument and verifiable evidence to back both up and on which he can then be challenged, or not, the man is petrifed of losing face. His entire JC existence revolves around identity politics and labelling people and putting them in boxes. Good v evil, black and white and nothing inbetween.

    Posting provocative, emotive pictures that prove nothing other than tug at the heartstrings of the naive or uninformed. Posting the ramblings of some obscure author in a pithy attempt to impress, who wrote some obscure book and then shoehorning it into his arguements. Demonstrating how out of touch he really and those like him in the “progressive centre”, really are.

    Slippery is totally ignorant that his brand of negative identity politics is actually having the opposite effect and and is in fact reinforcing opposing views and then consolidating them. For some of us though Brexit is having exactly the impact it was meant to on the political class and also exposing the voting middle class, for what they are. A middle class bourgeoise who have had their snouts in the trough for far too long and finally, at long last, the parasitical relationship between the two groups has been exposed for what it is.





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