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16 July, 2018 at 11:42 am #1100629
Have you forgotten I was the one that helped you through your dark time here’
What a weird thing to say.
you’ve never helped me through any dark time. We were friendly for a short period earlier this year, and I tried to say no more in the friendliest of terms. No dakr time for me, anyway.
The only dark time I had on jc was 2 years ago, when my dad was dying. You weren’t friendly then. The only two who helped were Blossom (who was suffering the dying days of her mother) and a strong brexiteer called Pete. A decent man, I thought.
I had a very upsetting time last month, which Linda knows about, but that was personal and had no effect on my time in jc. You weren’t around to help or hinder.
Sorry, I don’t respond to most of your posts, as I don’t respond to most of Gerry’s, but that was too strange to ignore.
Sigh….. You really should follow your own advice and read more carefully….
”You really don’t read carefully, do you? Like Gerry the Lefty ”
I was quoting what you said to Linda, which I found strange on a debate about Trump. Can you really not remember what you typed such a short time beforehand ?
” and I’m only glad that I was one of those who helped you in that dark time. Go well”
I’ve never claimed to help you through your dark time. I wasn’t very friendly as we didn’t chat and I had no idea about your dark time. Why would I ? You weren’t friendly through any upsetting times I may have had, why would you be? you didn’t know? So I really don’t get the point
and what you and Linda discuss is of no interest to me. I still think that when 2 people are head butting about politics reminding one of them that you ‘held their hand during a dark time’ is a strange thing to add into a debate. That’s my opinion.
Have a good day.
16 July, 2018 at 12:06 pm #1100630Just to Clarify Scep…
You misquoted me…. not saying it was deliberate. You quoted me saying
” Have you forgotten I was the one that helped you through your dark time here’ ”
What I actually said was
” It kinda smells of ‘don’t disagree with me . Have you forgotten I was the one that helped you through your dark time here’ ”
See how one misquote can bend things out of shape …….
16 July, 2018 at 12:07 pm #1100631I stopped entering into meaningful debate on here as there simply aren’t enough bright people to engage with.. what can anyone say to scepticals point of Obama is better than trump because he locks up children and adults but at least the cells are close by. I assume the answer is then for any illegal immigrant to tuck a kid under an arm like a suitcase in order to avoid being locked up and have tens of millions coming into the states asking all Americans to leave their homes to stay with their sprogs indefinitely as it breaches human rights.
I said a few months ago , sceptical tends to slither up the backsides of women on here for some reason and its in evidence again on this thread. Rather than answer questions I’ve asked him about other regimes, all I’m reading about are ” dark times” with people on a message board in order to gain allies I presume as Moosey says – embarrassing stuff.
Stand alone with the strength of what you have to say instead of falling back on ” dark times” and ” friends” on an internet message board where no one would recognise you from adam sceptical and stick to the topic in hand.#
For a third and final time, did you protest the arrival of the Saudi royal family to the uk? – a simple yes or no will suffice. I also wrote a lengthy post on the EU some time back, so perhaps you could respond to that as promised contrary to the daily ar/se licking of any woman that appears here wittering on about great friendships and dark times from past solar eclipse experiences.
16 July, 2018 at 12:34 pm #1100632”Sorry, I don’t respond to most of your posts, as I don’t respond to most of Gerry’s, but that was too strange to ignore.
Don’t be sorry, absolutely no need to apologise, I’m sure it did seem strange as you totally misread it… in fact I’m sorry as I hadn’t noticed you ‘not responding’ and tbh I must admit to not even reading half of yours… they do tend to be a tad repetitive. I am curious though as to why say 2 or 3 times that you don’t respond to Gerry’s posts, yet you constantly drag his name into your threads, even threads he has yet to post on ? That is strange. Are you also now ‘not responding’ to Rudeboy’s posts too ? Or maybe you just aren’t going to respond to anyone who doesn’t agree with you ? Unless, of course, they have shared dark times and lots of hand holding….
Not expecting a response
16 July, 2018 at 2:35 pm #1100635I am curious though as to why say 2 or 3 times that you don’t respond to Gerry’s posts, yet you constantly drag his name into your threads, even threads he has yet to post on ?
Absolutely, and as I have said before if he didn’t keep dragging me into his JC sh*ttery then I would just keep my big gob shut, in that context.
He talks about “dark times” on the JC boards as if it means something. Perhaps to him it does. Tell the children in Gaza all about your JC “dark times”… Tell 500,000 dead Syrians and 8 million displaced and another 4 million who fled their country… Tell them all about your JC “dark times”.
He constantly engages in “identity” politics because he is to ignorant to understand it has in fact the opposite effect, people become more entrenched in their views when preachy liberals like him constantly spout from their pulpits.
16 July, 2018 at 2:38 pm #1100636I stopped entering into meaningful debate on here as there simply aren’t enough bright people to engage with..
That makes you sound just like him Dan, when he claims Brexiters are all ignorant uneducated xenophobic racist bigots. Perhaps only you intelligent people should debate these issues and discount anyone else who isn’t up to your lofty standards.
Just saying.
16 July, 2018 at 2:58 pm #1100637I stopped entering into meaningful debate on here as there simply aren’t enough bright people to engage with.. what can anyone say to scepticals point of Obama is better than trump because he locks up children and adults but at least the cells are close by.
er, i didn’t say Obama was better than Trump when it comes to the conditions in which people are detained.
I did say that you were peddling alt.Right propaganda which amounted to spreading lies, and I demonstrated it in detail. This seems to have been unintentional. You accepted the lies at face value.
And I do say that you’re not man enough to admit that.
if you are as opposed to Saudi Arabia as you claim, then you would oppose the chief supporter of Saudi Arabia in its proxy wars with Iran, especially the cruel war in the Yemen which has created a humanitarian catastrophe. A demonstration against Trump is a demonstration against Saudi Arabia.
You ever been on anti-fascist demonstrations?
16 July, 2018 at 3:04 pm #1100638Go and guard the buffet table and don’t eat all the sausage rolls again.
16 July, 2018 at 3:06 pm #1100640Go and guard the buffet table and don’t eat all the sausage rolls again.
Btw slippery Sceptical just wrote a post to Mooose which he has since removed.
16 July, 2018 at 3:26 pm #1100642The pro-Trump/Tommy Robinson march was pathetic – a couple opf thousand – compared to the huge demonstration – up to 250,000 – against Trump.
But they can still make their presence felt.
This link shows Steve Hedley, a prominent trade unionist, senior assistant geneeral Secretary of the RMT (railway union).
He had been speaking at the anti-fascist demo organised to counter the pro-Trumper/Tommy Robinson bunch.
One of the things that was learned very early on in ani-fascist marches is to get out of the area quick, and Steve either didn’t know about it or forgot about it.
Fascists in this country (and others) have always fanned out looking for isolated individuals to beat to a pulp. In the past, people were warned to stick together in groups and clear the hell out.
Steve was in the Westminster Arms having a drink with a mate when a group of them burst in, traditional stormtrooper tactics.
Let these pictures serve a a warning. go to anti-fascist marches, and expect them to attack you if you get isolated afterwards.
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