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14 July, 2018 at 6:08 pm #1100528
The issues are linked, but I’m mainly talking about Trump here, not brexit.
There were punchups at the pro-Trump-Free Tommy Robinson demo, but nothing on the scale that was feared, I’m glad to say. They were expecting a lot of people at the pro-Trump, but not many turned up, certainly not enough to write home about.
The large demonstrations in Scotland can make the Scots proud, but nothing can beat the magnificent turnout at London. Figures vary, but between 100,000 and 250,000 turned out to express their disgust at Trump.
I’ve been a close student of US politics and history for a long time, and in all my life I’ve never come across a president like Trump, or seen such revulsion ion this country against an American president.
At the local demo I attended, one trans-activist siad that trump was a throwback to an earlier era.
I absolutely disagree. Trump is not a 19th century politician. He’s very much a politician of the 21st century, a dangerous moment in the world.
There is talk among the intelligentsia of an end of democracy, but I don’t believe this. Trump is a Mussolini strongman, but he’s trapped in a constitutional system whihc places strict limits on what he can do. The way he’s emptied the ‘administrative state’ and proceeded to rule by tweet has startled all, and people like Kim Jong-Un of North Korea and Putin have been very carefully assessing the man and his weaknesses, and are acting accordingly.
He represents the alt.right, who have been startlingly successful with their strategy of fake news and hysterical personal verbal assault, first with Brexit and then with Trump and Eastern/southern Europe. They’ve managed to harness the fears and insecurity of many people to force their own policies forward.
Brecht once wrote of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, a similar character to those becoming strong today. he warned us that the bitch which gave birth to Ui could soon be in heat again. I think that the crisis of 2008 and afterwards is the seedbed in which these movements have come to prominence. I really don’t know where it will end before it runs ts dangerous course.
but people are now getting wise to them, and getting ready to meet them, on the streets or in political debate. You may drive some away, and frighten others, but more will arise to oppose the alt.right in the name of common decency.
Well done, London.
14 July, 2018 at 6:29 pm #1100530Yougov polls have confirmed that about 70% of the population has a negative opinion of him.
I have a negative opinion of Trump.
But to include me in the same category of people involved in the protests is an insult.
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14 July, 2018 at 7:24 pm #1100533”Figures vary, but between 100,000 and 250,000 turned out ”
What’s a 150,000 between people wanting to parade with CNUT on a placard whilst holding their 4 year old’s hand…. What lovely decent people they looked ….
14 July, 2018 at 8:38 pm #1100542Yougov polls have confirmed that about 70% of the population has a negative opinion of him.
I have a negative opinion of Trump.
But to include me in the same category of people involved in the protests is an insult.
I take you seriously.
I know that a lot of people who like Trump, many Americans, don’t like his uncouth, vulgar manner.
But they like his politics.
When you say that you have a negative opinion of Trump, my guess is that it’s his uncouth manner.
That’s because you’ve often supported breitbart, the main alt.Right voice.
So do you now regard yourself as having a negative opinion of alt.Right? Or is it just Trump’s manner?
14 July, 2018 at 8:57 pm #1100543I’ve been a close student of US politics and history for a long time, and in all my life
“Close student of American politics” my ‘arsssssseeeeee’. Trump was chosen for a purpose, will enact what he is told to enact and then America will elect a more “centrist” president who will give the impression he is “cleaning” up Trumps “mess” while leaving vast swathes of it intact.
14 July, 2018 at 9:01 pm #1100544”Figures vary, but between 100,000 and 250,000 turned out ”
What’s a 150,000 between people wanting to parade with CNUT on a placard whilst holding their 4 year old’s hand…. What lovely decent people they looked ….
The same sort people who walk by the homeless unoticed everyday on their way for a ‘latte’ and who ring their local council in fury when a split bin bag is left uncollected on rubbish collection day.
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15 July, 2018 at 5:18 am #1100556Theres a guy in Bristol called jasper Thomas his charity is called help bristols homeless.
This bloke is a real saint he funded a double decker bus and converted sevral shipping containers into living quarters showers etc.
The rough sleeping issue here would really shock you and when you here storys about how some end up on the streets even more so.
15 July, 2018 at 8:35 am #1100558If you see a demo of that size, and it was huge, only a malicious person or a fool would look at individuals and pretend that they are the whole demo.
It was described by Sky News as composing many, many different sorts of people. Jeremy Corbyn, who is strongly committed to the working class and has a genuine concern for the poor and homeless, welcomed it as a celebration of democratic rights and diversity. It was an outpouring of people repelled by trump and all he stands for.
That was certainly true in the local demo I attended, where people were coming out of work to stand against this horrible man.
15 July, 2018 at 11:20 am #1100562A protest in Edinburgh against this nasty man, the hero of the alt.Right Farage brigade, last year.
Ruth Davidson, marching with the Gay Pride people yesterday, made this her slogan – love Trumps hate.
Brits don’t like him, and I have never known such support for not allowing an Amrican President in the country. There’s been anti-Americanism here, and I never liked that, but this is not anti-Americanism. Americans who oppose Trump (more people voted for the awful Clinton than they did for this monster) have been applauded.
It’s a hatred of Trump, and the ugly nationalist politics he embodies.
15 July, 2018 at 12:06 pm #1100567If your really look at Clinton polls, her votes came more from cities and more college students coming out to vote..first time..female population who wanted female President. More than just cities to get votes in. Lol. No one past city limits voted for her. Her home town not support her.
What ? So one chatter who knows politics, a chatter who dislikes his speeches, not recognize President strength, has made changes benefiting American people who said not want him in London, go home..I going to listen to your political views. Buzzzzz. Think not. I will never relent so don’t expect me too. Lol….
Nasty man? Seen many worse. Lol.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
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